Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lake Worth abandoned house

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Abandoned house in Lake Worth is still not cleaned up one week later. Channel 12 called the city manager--no luck--got answering machine.  See the video.


  1. An answering machine? It was Monday. Everyone is in on Monday. If it's Friday you have to worry about it. Not getting a call back is what's wrong with this picture. The city commission allows this to continue.


  3. The city can generously give buildings away, so they are not broke. Why doesn't the T.V. station name the OWNER ?!? They are MORE to blame than the city, who is stuck holding the bag. What is the code history on this bldg. Oh, sorry ,that would require some journalism ,investigating to be done.

  4. What is the code history, I'll guess based on my own experience with Lake Worth Code. I would guess that there have been multiple complaints and there probably is still no code case open.

    The city Code dept. is only interested in bothering people who already comply with the City rules. Have a rental license, meaning you follow the rules, expect the City to inspect your rental 4 times a year even though the ordinance only provides for an annual inspection. And they charge you for the inspection too.

  5. The problem is EVERYONE that complains, knows nothing about the current situation at the Code dept.
    Everyone wants wants wants. But There is ONLY one person there right now! They have job postings for a Manager, Tech, and the officers themselves. Please be informed before your fingers start typing!

  6. This has been happening way before "RIGHT NOW." Years, anonymous.

    No more excuses. Nor more allowing this city to go straight down the damn tubes. Set some priorities and I don't mean having an OctobrFest that no one cares about other than throwing their trash all over our streets and city park.


  7. The bottom line is the CM is to blame for all of this. He was on TV saying he cared and this would be addressed and it isn't. The CM doesn't even write back to you when you call, email, or write to him. On top of it, the mayor and comm. allow the CM to treat citizens very badly and be so nonresponsive. The city leadership is to blame, the CM is the head paid $135K, what is he doing? Why is he allowed to not return citizen concerns?

  8. Shame on the city and City manager. He should be fired for insubordination now. He is making our city look so bad. He just can't last. I hope Chann. 12 news stays on top of Michael Bornstein about this matter. Our elected officials should be firing this CM for this, it makes the City of Lake Worth look so bad, the lack of responsiveness it really the bigger issue too, recurrent with this CM more and more. Fire Michael now!

  9. It is ironic how on the other blog site they act like it is OK for it to be like this, since it is not College Park or these folks do not deserve clean safe conditions. Like anyone complaining who lives in the hood wants that? The city does not clean things up or address blight or conditions. That is why Wes and Mary both bought houses in College Park, they lived int he hood before and knew the city was never going to make it better in these places, so they spent their money and bought in College Park, the easy way out, instead of fighting to make the city do more to make ALL parts of the city better. So who are the real weak ones Wes? Wes' website is mean and rude and makes it sound like all the others are wining and complaining and it is our problem that we live in these dumpy conditions and we are supposed to solve the problem, not the city, you all make it sound like the city does not have to enforce codes and rules. Here is another example of the city and CM not doing his job, on camera he is a liar, but it is all coming out now how ineffective he really is.

  10. Mary does care but I wish that our city leaders would speak out about this dreadful situation and come up with concrete solutions. Mary works hard cleaning up neighborhoods, etc. and does what she can but it takes our city officials to tackle this problem and solve it. Crime is spreading into our downtown and into the nicer neighborhoods.

  11. I agree Lynn, Mary does care and does so much for our city, she just couldn't take living in the hood anymore so bought in College Park, who can blame her. Right the city leaders just are not tackling the problems or even being serious about all of this and the poor conditions. The blight and crime is getting worse and worse and the City Manager ignores us, citizens, and even the news channels, doing nothing about all the problems, dumping, and blighted deplorable messes we have. Look at the old Mayor Drautz house on this fence on corner of N K St and 2nd Ave north, that graffiti tags have been there for over three months and not the police, city, or owner have removed them, and it is a lot of graffiti, everyone driving east on 2nd Ave North sees that blight everyday and no one in this city is addressing it or cleaning it up and that is our downtown, this graffiti looks bad, take a picture of it Lynn, it has gone anywhere in at least three months now!

    "October 9, 2013 at 1:52 PM
    lynn anderson said...
    Mary does care but I wish that our city leaders would speak out about this dreadful situation and come up with concrete solutions. Mary works hard cleaning up neighborhoods, etc. and does what she can but it takes our city officials to tackle this problem and solve it. Crime is spreading into our downtown and into the nicer neighborhoods."
