Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Just shuff, shuff, shuffling along

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Where Art (will be) made

Why did the CRA get a one year lease on our shuffleboard Court property?  Because they asked for it and the Commission gave it to them.  Because the city had no money and wanted it off their table. Because it was a sneaky way of getting a possible government grant. Everyone else has their hands out, why not us? Because the city could care less about shuffleboarding, the Seniors, the voice of the citizens, or our history. This is a one year lease and may be extended for additional one year terms.

The CRA can use the property rent free for artists and the city picks up the tab for utilities and services.  They don't have to pay taxes. The premises will be rehabilitated, converted and used for the establishment and operation of a Community Cultural Facility for artists. If they want to remove the courts, no "biggie. All they have to do is get  permission of the city.  We know how easy that is--one less thing for them to think about.

Now, I love art. There is no room on any wall at my home to place one more piece. But this Artist thing is out of control. We actually want to attract more struggling artists? The Visionaries/Dreamers are dreaming of a place like Cocoanut Grove, without the slum, the blight and the crime I guess.

And just like Obama who said he wanted to change America as we know it, author Dinesh D'Souza says, "with a makeover of America so drastic that the 'shining city on a hill' will become a shantytown in a rather dangerous global village," Lake Worth is doing the exact same thing...they just don't see that yet.


  1. financially strapped as we are, please explain to me how the city benefits from this art center. am i right, no taxes, no utilities and poor artists. this is a nice amenity far a sound city. a person may travel here and buy a painting and even have lunch, but will they move into this blight, crime, high taxes and utilities city.

  2. Many of your don't realize that introducing these types of programs into a somewhat condensed area can be a catalyst for great change. If this lease helps to jump start a program much like they have at the ARMORY ART CENTER in West Palm Beach, it can be a real uplifting force for the blight that surrounds the area. Couple it with other established projects like the Urban Arts Lofts which are all sold and have a waiting list for the next ones to be built, or the Benzaiden Art Center slated to bring world class (not starving) artists here to Lake Worth, next thing you know, people will want to buy and move into this budding community of funky artists.

    Bronze sculpture, glass blowing and fine art ceramics and pottery along with heavier industrial art will soon be manufactured right here in our blighted area.

    And since the CRA is doing it, it has an excellent chance of surpassing even our high expectations.

    Just one more step in eliminating the blight in the area. Keep up the good work CRA!

  3. The CRA is great at spending other people's money. This commission is great on pipe dreams. Way to go. Give it all to the CRA.

  4. Anon at 3:05 pm Would you rather " they" give it all to the County???????

  5. I'm sick of the city giving assets away.

  6. Why is the city paying the utilities? When Maxwell asked Oliva she said because you pay for them now, but the usage is low now but if "Bronze sculpture, glass blowing and fine art ceramics and pottery along with heavier industrial art will soon be manufactured right here in our blighted area" then the utilities will be very high.

  7. You should rename this blog the sour apple blog. The city is finally addressing a blighted area after years of neglect and you're still complaining. At least it's a start. It's not like they're turning the building into an illegal alien center like the best commission ever did.

  8. Sorry you just don't get it, anonymous at 10:07. Not the first time, I suppose.

  9. I think it might be important to
    note this drawing INCLUDED the outside. I found this astonishing as the CM whined we have no money, employees or time (to fill potholes?) but they DID HAVE TIME to draw the Outside which was OUTSIDE of the Grant our Dais PUSHED through in what was it 4 days! Yeah - we had time to read it and see what Strings are Attached!
    Think the CRA is so good - let them run for election! Their (Shadow Government) Sweetheart deal STEALS THE EXTRA Taxes (Funny if the taxes go lower they do not owe US $$$) from the Dais YOU ELECT to do with as they please pretty much!
    CRA USES YOUR TAX MONEY! What happens when you no longer like what they spend YOUR $$$ on?
    Turn the coin over and THINK!
    23 Million Dollars Spent and How much value did your property GAIN by the expense?
