Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Historic Gulfstream Hotel

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UPDATE--See comments
It's bad enough when you get an illegal banner erected on the Gulfstream Hotel but now a cell tower? This place has been closed for nearly a decade and it has been reported that the hotel property is still going through a foreclosure process but someone has now found a use for it--a cell tower for cell phones, Facebook and Twitter.
Tower in the process of being erected
From CSI's web site: Civil Solutions Incorporated is a full turnkey company established in 2001 providing comprehensive single source solutions to identify, lease, permit, design, construct, implement, and maintain wireless networks Nationwide. Our professional staff has managed projects for leading US wireless carriers including Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T Wireless. We specialize in the development and deployment of Cellular, Broadband and Microwave networks. Our Management team and field technicians focus on safety and quality, providing superior services that meet customer expectations.

Did they get the necessary permissions and permits? 
When asked, the answer was "Our boss told us to do it."
Leases can range from $2,000 to $4,000 per month


  1. I see you took down my comment on Wes. Alright then, how about this--Wes, as you are chair of the HRPB, why aren't you raising holy hell about this?

  2. Right, if Wes and the HRPB and city leaders really cared about historical buildings, they would also care about all the ones between I95 and Diixe too, but they don't, for some reason, they act like those are not as important in the hood, allowing so many to just be torn down. HRPB is a joke in this city, a bunch of hypocrites, they do not protect all areas of LW close to downtown, College Park is there big thing. Actions speak louder than words. That hotel should be operable now, there is no good reason why it is not up and running and a success, just too many politics in this city and a bunch of hypocrites.

  3. Who is behind this aberration to our charter? If it goes beyond 65 feet, they are in trouble.

  4. Will we be allowing cell towers all over town?

  5. This was installed without anyone's knowledge. It's typical business as usual in our city. Do what you want, no one cares. Just tell whoever the owner is to open the darn place instead of constantly messing with the city.

  6. Im with Marshall Pass on this issue and many others hes critically brought up to the commission meeting and to this blog. If it wasnt for him, this city and this blog, wouldnt have moved this city into the progession it needed. Just ask him and he'll set you straight. He tells everyone about his courageous acts to save this city and how he sheds light on critical issues with the mayor. Lynn, take note. Marshall is doing alot!

  7. At stop work order was issued at the Gulfstream for a contractor undertaking work without appropriate permits.
    William Waters, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C
    FL AR94136
    Director for Community Sustainability
    City of Lake Worth
    1900 Second Avenue North
    Lake Worth, Florida 33461

  8. @4:20..what are you talking about? Marshall is the savior of Lake Worth?

  9. The saviors are those over on that bully blog. Just ask them. Marshall hangs out there.

  10. Marshall is harboring an illegal alien boy toy. Hes a constant bother and hes rude. Nowhere near the savior Lake Worth deserves!

  11. If this is within our code of ordinances, within the charter and it can be installed on an historic property and can't be seen from the road, I don't think I have a problem with it.

    I am still curious as to whom applied to the Historic Board and was granted permission? Schlesinger's attorney again, a friend of the chair? Who actually owns the building--the Bank? No one seems to be able to answer that question.

    Will the city get any of the fees?

  12. I would hope that anyone applying for anything before a board that that board knows within a shadow of a doubt who the owner is. In this case someone else actually paid the tax cetificate.

  13. Who is Marshall Pass? Never heard of him.

  14. First you harass visitors to the beach about some asinine parking, then you harass neighborhoods because you don't like their speed bumps now you're harassing workers. Thank god your vote doesn't count.

  15. I get it. You don't like me for pointing out the truth. You call it asinine. I say that you have your head in the sand. Take a hike.

    As far as the vote, it comes up in December. We will find out then. Glad you were fined for an illegal banner. It should have been much larger, doncha think you were lucky?

  16. Our historic preservation board ought to be called friends of realtors and developers. It is stacked with real east and developer types who only care about historic buildings that they themselves live in.

    Hundreds of historic properties have been torn down under their watch.
