Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Gulfstream Hotel Blight

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Bushes growing 2-3 feet onto the sidewalk.


  1. Thanks Lynn for posting this. I walk in that mess all the time and have told our comm., mayor, and CM to address all of this, but they just ignore you. So much for sidewalk safety for pedestrians in our city. If you can ever really get the CM to respond or do anything for us, how frustrating. Did you see last night how the CM kept reminding us that he works for the mayor and commission only. Do they realize that with that attitude from the CM it might hurt their re-elections bids?

  2. What he said without saying it was, don't e-mail me; don't call me...I don't answer to you and I don't plan on it.

  3. It used to be the old Bo Allen property where the Mango Inn is, but they have the same problem, their hedge of ficus is so overgorwn on the sidewalk, about 2-3 feet over the sidewalk that you cannot walk on the sidewalk there on the corner of 2nd Ave. North and North Lakeside Dr. The city really should make them trim it back 2-3 feet so one can walk on the sidewalk and not int he road.

  4. I have not heard about anyone running against them. Too bad. Democracy has taken a back seat.

  5. The amazing thing here is that they get things done when they want to like illegal banners and cell towers making money. In the meantime, the place is blighted, they don't get fined and they continue to jerk around the city. And this commission lets them get away with bloody murder.

  6. I think the cm is justifiably overwhelmed at the state of the city. I will list my concerns for readers critique. Exorbitant costs for studies and consultants, funding the budget with utility revenues, passing a casino business plan which guarantees losses, expecting 13% of taxpayers to fund a 100 million dollar infrastructure plan, approving electric purchases haphazardly, appropriating only 250 thous. for blight repair, pushing the park of commerce plan without having any landowners much less companies on board and a totally unprepared and unqualified commission.
