Tuesday, October 1, 2013

E. R. Bradley's Saloon will take over the Lake Worth Lagoon restaurant

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In 2010, the New Times Broward/Palm Beach awarded E. R. Bradleys the Best Place to Nurse a Hangover. Now they will be getting the contract on our Lagoon restaurant at the Lake Worth Golf course. This now might become the new in crowd "hang-out"and put our golf course on the map as one swinging place..not necessarily for swinging golf clubs.

Three companies answered the RFP and Bradley's, even though the final choice in the end, came in second in the RFP evaluation process with 383 points. The first place bidder, Galuppi's of Pompano Beach received 452 total points and withdrew after several weeks of negotiations. Galuppi's was the top rated by all evaluators.

The city will received $3,000 a month on a ten year lease that is renewable for an additional 10 years. The rate appears to be flat. We will be solely responsible for all utility fees and costs, including but not limited to: telephone, electricity, garbage removal, sewer and water service. The Tenant shall be solely responsible for all liquid petroleum gas (LPG) required to operate any LPG fueled equipment within the facilities; janitorial services (in restaurant only), servicing and maintenance of the facility, and all other services Tenant obtains for the premises.

This will be voted upon tonight at the City Commission meeting.


  1. Drunks Drunks and more Drunks, You cannot go anywhere in this City without running into someone falling down drunk causing trouble. You know that means more incidents with PBSO....

  2. Unfortunate Galuppi's backed out, they have a wonderful Golf Course resturant at Pompano course, but it is spacious inside, with outdoor seating on a beautiful course. Our golf course resturant needs the walls knocked out and large windows to enjoy the views and a patio with seating on the intracoastal side.

  3. I think this is a great idea, so what that ER Bradley's is a fun bar in downtown WPB, these folks know how to run a business. For those of us who don't golf, it will be great to have a spot at our beautiful course that will cater to the public.

  4. Sounds like a good move by the city. Professional restaurateurs will figure out how to make money here, even while paying $3,000 a month in rent. Can't wait to go eat there.

  5. "Drunks drunks and more drunks" Typically golfers don't get drunk while they are playing golf.
    What a bunch of negative fools on this blog.
    The city is getting $3,000 a month for a building that has been unutilized for years and you are complaining.

  6. anon 11:55 am. And the building still wont be used. Golf cost to much anymore. Even tho it would be a nice place to eat, but I wonder who/whom in LW would eat there. It wont make it IMO.

  7. "What a bunch of negative fools on this blog."

    Trust me, more then golfers will be there.! Where there is Alcohol served, eventually you'll have trouble. It's a known fact.
    Drunk people beating people over the head with golf clubs.

    Two City employees got into a fight, and one whacked him over the head during a golf game on their off time

    Want their names to get a copy of the police report?

  8. I, for one, am looking forward to having a good restaurant at our golf course and a place to dine that is in a gorgeous setting. Just hope it is not too expensive.

  9. Yes Anon at 2:07 I would like the names I am sick and tired of all these unfounded rumors.

  10. Near bankrupt city gives multi-million dollar restaurant chain free utilities and 100 dollar a day rent. Makes you wonder. Maxwell questioned the 'DEAL" at the 13th hour ,but where was he when the contract was drawn up? Any comments Lynn?

  11. They said that Bradley's was spending $150,000 on improvements. That is not a lot of money. Any restaurant alive would be spending that much. We will only get $36,000 a year that will go towards the electric bill of $52,000 a year. not only that, we will be picking up their garbage at NO cost. We lose in this deal and give over a wonderful facility for little.
    I believe that there should have been a normal escalation clause. No one considers inflation over this period of time. This is what prior commissions did on the original beach leases before the new casino. We still have people, to this day, blaming John G's on low rent, a contract that the city GAVE TO THEM.
    On Maxwell, not sure if this commission is even privy to lease negotiations. Staff seems to plunk stuff down in front of them to accept.

  12. The club house is so beautiful and such a great view. I'm looking forward to eating lunch or brunch there soon. The last time I ate at the club house was 2004 and it was a pretty lousy tuna sandwich.

    I don't play golf, but I do like to walk over to the course and walk the course once in a while for exercise.

  13. I'm not exactly exuberant with with the name they are going to call it. It should be E.R. Bradley's Lagoon Restaurant. I guess they thought the word "beach" was a bigger draw. It is NOT on the beach. Just my opinion. It's been the Lagoon Restaurant forever. I guess they just wanted to get away from that.

  14. Actually Lynn, when the new building opened, it was called The Lake Worth Clubhouse. NOT the Lagoon anything.

  15. Before my day I guess.
    As we have the Snook Islands in the Lake Worth Lagoon, "Lagoon" is an appropriate name for that place as the golfcourse is adjacent to the lagoon. I happen to like it. Do you?

  16. One more thought on this--
    As the golf pro, Dustin said, his bill for electric is $52,000 a year. What will it be when this restaurant comes in with big freezers going, with breakfast, lunch and dinner, etc. Could the electric bill conceivably double? Why can't a separate meter be installed for the restaurant? We just keep selling ourselves short...getting things off the table as quickly as possible.
