Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Domestic threat - Poverty

People on the dole--we have millions of them and they are growing, thanks to Obama. There is so much abuse and fraud, and you, the taxpayer has been made a party to it all through growing socialistic government programs.

With 20 percent of all American households on food stamps, amounting to 23.1 million households and 47.6 million individuals in July, an across-the-board cut in food-stamp benefits is scheduled to go into effect in November, even though most recipients know nothing about the coming change, says WND.

The government won't even give you true facts on poverty in America. "The upshot of this is that in the old days what the poverty line was really measuring is the number of people who were poor after the things we did to reduce poverty. Today that same poverty line is measuring the number of people who are poor before all the things we do to reduce poverty," i.e, SNAP, Medicaid, Section 8, etc.

And speaking of Section 8, don't be surprised if we don't get that at Boutwell and Lake Worth Road in the future.  This Commission was so intense about kick starting the Park of Commerce, it voted in 212 affordable, ooops, workforce rentals that are now under construction. Can't wait to see how that will change my neighborhood.

Read more... at WND.

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