Friday, October 25, 2013

Bryant Park - Taking it back

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We can't have too many of these trash containers in our parks or in our downtown. It is a total disgrace how visitors trash our beautiful Bryant Park especially during events. If you see someone trashing our park, please let them know that they can no longer litter anywhere in our city.


  1. do you mean "taking it right in the back

  2. Lynn -- You mean I should tell the large groups of black people not to let their kids throw their trash on the ground? I'd rather not have a punch in the face today. Thanks. Hispanics you can say something to. And I have. They apologize sincerely. Not blacks. Personal experience. I said something to a young black girl after I saw her throw a paper plate on the ground. She said something to her older friend, a black boy age about 12, about not littering, and he told her to Shut the EFF up.
