Monday, October 28, 2013

Bryant Park Homeless feeding - Live, Love and Burritos

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Coral House is a religious group that started around 2008.  According to PAPA, the State and their own web site, its members live together (they own two houses and an apartment) and serve together by caring for the homeless of Palm Beach County, providing food, shelter, clothing and advocacy. SOUTH AMERICA MISSION INC (Coral House) with a mailing address in Fort Mill, S.C. owns a property at 5217 S MILITARY TRL, valued at $707,481. We have been unable to reach them to confirm. Click here

Lake Worth became a Sanctuary city for illegal immigrants about 10-11 years ago but officially on April 13, 2009. Now we seem to be doing the same for the Homeless. It's been reported that every Saturday morning the homeless migrate from parts unknown to Bryant Park to be fed by the Barrito Project, Coral House. They set up at the picnic tables across from the Gulfstream Hotel. And although the PBSO has asked this group to leave, it was reported to this blog that the gal (Kathy or Cathy) in charge said "We will not leave."

It was estimated that 85 homeless were fed Saturday morning.


  1. when i lived in SF we had and still have a problem with homelessness. every mayor tried his idea to solve or slow down the problem....area to each individual....the city even paid for 5000 bus tickets to send them to relatives waiting for them (Homeward Bound program)some people called it Grayhound Therapy. we even had a Director of Homeless Policy....lots of programs funded by city, state, big brother and independent agencies.Mayor Brown said Homelessness in SF could never be solved. the attraction of warm weather...lenient enforcement and easy to get drugs makes Lake Worth
    an area that might not be able to handle the growing population of homeless people. The city has its fair share of issues it has to attend to....this should be on the top 10.....its only going to get worse before it gets better.

  2. Thanks, Coral House, for feeding these guys so they can live outside and not work and hang out in our downtown during the day and toss out harass women passing by. Many of these guys have felony convictions. They are turning our nice neighborhoods into dangerous drug dens. I wonder, why don't you go to the neighborhood where your parents and small children (or nieces and nephews) live, and feed them there? Oh, right, because you want to keep your families safe. Well, so do we. Stop enabling. Start helping these guys. Put them to work.

  3. Sorry--Coral House does not help pay to maintain our park. They should move on and stop encouraging these people who are alcoholics and drug abusers. One just beat a guy to death there.

  4. Coral House- feed these people on your own property, not ours.

  5. After further research, we have been told that South American Ministry is no longer affiliated with Coral House or the Burrito Project although all roads lead there.

  6. This has been going on for years, it is not new. It used to be every Sat. in front of the library. The church in the north end of Parrot Cove also does a feeding. The church in the south end of Parrot Cove has run various programs for homeless as well including letting them sleep on the property (I think that is over b/c it caused way too many problems but it took years of calling the police to get church to stop).

    Why do we have a homeless problem in LW. b/c all of these churches and orgs are encouraging the population to stay here.
