Thursday, October 3, 2013

Attempted Rapist caught in Lake Worth

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Woman assaulted while bird watching on Snook Island Gazebo in Lake Worth.

Read about it.


  1. What happened here OBVIOUSLY had nothing to do with race, which is why race wasn't mentioned in the headline. Block head. When groups of blacks pick out whites for random violent attacks, as is happening in every city across this country, then it's ANOTHER STORY. Then it IS about race. Deal with it.

  2. What's really bad about this is--the woman had no escape route other than running past this big guy. There was no way to go but down. This is not good PR for our Snook Islands or our city. Too much crime in LW and citizens are not even safe watching birds for heavens sake. It's getting worse and no one is talking about it. The only thing some do is take umbrage on anything that might put PBSO in an unfavorable light. We have lots of crime. Let's find a solution to discourage it. We spend enough money and it doesn't seem like we are getting our money's worth. These criminals are not afraid. We need much more presence on our city streets and deputies on foot in the downtown, our parks and at our beach. Catching "johns" is one thing but what about the petty thieves who are breaking into our houses and vehicles? It's no wonder our insurance is so darn high around here.

  3. C'mon y'all. He's just a poor "homeless" man. Probably sleeps under the bridge right there and had a woody when he woke up. He saw the woman a few feet away and figured she wanted him..... bad.

    Anyone could've made the same mistake.

    Bird watchers really are very sexy.

  4. Just talked to a returning resident who went to Snook islands this Wednesday. She saw a group of people gathered around and went to see what they were looking at in the water. Turns our it was a large group of homeless people who told her "we live here" ,meaning they live right there at the Snook islands/ Bryant Park area! She said there were several P.B.S.O cars parked in the area with the officers sitting inside and the windows rolled up. So much for patrolling our parks!

  5. anon 5:32 We need to take care of the homeless issue and that is certain however everyone has rights and unless that group of people were actually committing a crime PBSO can not do anything about but actually observe until a crime is committed. If you observed them committing a crime did you call PBSO and report it. Also it takes everyone to help reduce crime not just PBSO. If you want to stick your head in the sand and ignore the problem of Crime then you are part of the problem.

  6. We need an anti-loitering ordinance. Somehow Palm Beach has figured it out. Why do we "need " to take care of the homeless,i.e BUMS? Most of them are what they are by choice. I'm sick of seeing BUMS on every street corner pan handling. I don't live in a multi-million dollar mansion, but I think I should be able to drive two feet in any direction west of the intracoastal without tripping over an addict/ mental/Bum. ENOUGH. And to Anon above , who says that I and everybody else out here are responsible for these bums, screw that! Open your own home to these free loaders.
