Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Another shake-up at the Palm Beach Post

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Read about it.

Willie Howard has taken the two weeks severance per year of employment and Randy Schultz is thinking about it.  When you consider that this newspaper is so biased in its reporting, it developed problems with readership retainage.  Willie Howard, reporter and fine gentleman who had the Lake Worth beat for years, never allowed his politics to get in the way of his reporting.

The above article reports that Republicans were angered by it but the fact of the matter is, everyone I know and who are all Democrats, no longer take the paper.  Even a member of my family just recently subscribed to Wednesdays and Sundays after canceling it for nearly two years because of cost.  We all got hit by the economy. She is the most liberal Democrat I know and voted for Obama because the "other guy was a nerd."  And where did she get that idea?

It's all a business decision that comes down to money. Even though it is those 55 years of age or older who were offered the severance deal, it is not age that was the factor as they are keeping younger editors who are equally as biased--it is not left-leaning reporting as this is a heavily Democratic county albeit they did forget the 40% or so who are conservative--it was salaries, pure and simple.

Wikipedia describes the Palm Beach Post: The Palm Beach Post is a major American daily newspaper serving Palm Beach County in South Florida, and the Treasure Coast area. It is the 80th largest daily newspaper in the United States and the 7th largest in Florida and has been around since 1908.

I hate to see this happening and hope our newspaper survives. Businesses demand loyalty of its employees but when push comes to shove, it's always the bottom line.


  1. REP:250,608
    I would say that independents are conservative compared to Democrats.

    To the person who just attempted to post here and to be his/her normal vulgar self--the above stats are for you. These are registered voters in PB county and people who actually READ NEWSPAPERS, unlike you, of course.

  2. Good Riddance on Randy Schultz leaving the Post! But it's much, much too late for this sad sack newspaper. He's had four decades to do a lot of damage. No one trusts the Post anymore. They sell you a subscription by selling you the coupons. The product is crud.

  3. The Palm Beach Post gets what it gives. It loves to sensationalize everything and sides with pathetic looser politicians and democrats so often. I haven't looked at, bought, or even considered writing to them in years. The Post cannot be trusted, they fabricate, sensationalize, and pit good citizens against evil politicians just to try to increase readership. They can't be trusted and it all now might lead to their demise. It is all of their own doing, they are the only ones to blame for their success or failure.

  4. Andrew Marra needs to clean up his liberal self too. At least he believes in the vote.

  5. I subscribe to the online version and receive the Sunday paper at home. I don't agree with your assessment that Willie didn't let his politics affect his reporting and was glad to see him reassigned. I do wish him well though. Seemed like a nice guy.

    As far as Schultz is concerned, I rarely agreed with his opinions. Way to lefty for me. Nothing liberals can do is wrong and all conservatives are dolts if you believe him. Has he ever criticized Obama?
