Friday, October 18, 2013

Alleged Lake Worth Gang member commits armed robbery

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A source tells me that a documented and declared 14 year old Lake Worth gang member of MS-13 robbed a couple on 7th Avenue North and Boutwell Road at daylight.  He appeared before the judge today.

Agency officials describe MS-13 -- also known by the name Mara Salvatrucha -- as "one of the most dangerous transnational criminal gangs in the world today."  Click here and read all you need to know about MS-13 whose motto — “rape, control, kill” — has created fear nationwide


  1. This gang is no joke and poses the same threat or God forbid, worse threat, than the dreaded Top 6 gang that had a death grip on our city before PBSO took over and erradicated them. I hope they are just as successful with this gang. Here is an excerpt from wikipedia:

    Mara Salvatrucha (commonly abbreviated as MS, Mara, and MS-13) is a transnational criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to other parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America.[6] The majority of the gang is ethnically composed of Central Americans and active in urban and suburban areas. In the U.S., the MS-13 has an especially heavy presence in Los Angeles County and the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California; the Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas of Fairfax County, Virginia, Montgomery County, Maryland, and Prince George's County, Maryland; Long Island, New York; the Boston, Massachusetts area; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Houston, Texas. There is also a presence of MS-13 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    Members of MS distinguish themselves by tattoos covering the body and also often the face, as well as the use of their own sign language. They are notorious for their use of violence and a subcultural moral code that predominantly consists of merciless revenge and cruel retributions. This cruelty of the distinguished members of the "Maras" or "Mareros" earned them a path to be recruited by the Sinaloa Cartel battling against Los Zetas in an ongoing drug war south of the United States border.[7][8][9] Their wide-ranging activities have drawn the attention of the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who have initiated wide-scale raids against known and suspected gang members – netting hundreds of arrests across the country.

    Join Bryant Park and Genesis Neighborhood Associations Saturday October 26, 2013 at 8pm at the short pier just south of the boat inlet at Bryant Park for a candle light prayer vigil against violent crime in our city. I have invited Commissioner Shelley Vanna, Mayor Pam Triolo, all of our commissioners, City Manager Michael Bornstein, State Representative Jeff Clemens and Channel 12 and 25. I am pretty sure this is one issue every side of the political arena will join together in one harmonious voice toward a solution to make our parks and neighborhoods safer! Bring your own candle.

    Thank you,
    Mark A. Parrilla
    Genesis Neighborhood Association, Inc.

  2. Crime is diminishing, huh Scott?

  3. This is horrible news. Our city is a dump and I never see a sheriff.

  4. PA'LEEESE...Anonymous 10.18.13@4:05pm I hope you aren't a parent because I could imagine the first time your child came in the house dirty from playing outside instead of bathing the child you would just throw it out. Lake Worth is NOT a dump and I see deputy sheriff's almost daily somewhere out and about in our city. I'll pray that your ability to express accurate truth to be increased!

    Mark A. Parrilla

  5. Well, we certainly hope that the sheriff is all over our city since crime is out of control.

  6. Mark Parilla, All of a sudden there are quite a few deputies out and about. And I'm guessing it's because of the complaints on this blog. But I have NEVER seen one drive down my street. Not ever. And I never see any deputies downtown in the plaza anymore, and never see them in Bryant Park, where we have very serious problems with homeless/cons basically living here, doing drugs a stone's throw from children and families, and sometimes beating each other to a pulp. In other communities, police get out of their cars and talk to people. It's called community policing. That is not happening here. And on the dirty children comment. When my child's dirty, I don't keep insisting he's clean and perfect. I wash him!

  7. the only place where I see cops out of their cars is at city hall and they are asking a citizen to leave.

  8. Funny I guess I have wierd glasses. I see PBSO deputies on their days off helping me clean years of overgrown brush and bouganvilla at 916 South B St. the home of the Grandmother of Lake Worth who at 81 years old was raped in her home. Or helping me and a team of volunteers from Home Depot install donated fencing at that same address. How about picking up garbage in the alleys when I have organized clean ups. There have been some charity events Genesis has organized that has had more deputies in attendance helping than actual resident who live in the city. Not only in Genesis. I have volunteered to help at other Neighborhood Association clean ups and there have been multiple deputies in attendance as well. I don't know about you but I call that STELLAR COMMUNITY POLICING. Next one of you anonymous anomolies will tell me I am hallucinating and I will tell you I have digital proof of it all in living color high definition digital video and photos. I can even convert it into 3D if it will help you see the TRUTH!!!

    God bless our PBSO district #14 deputies.

    Mark A. Parrilla

  9. That's not community policing. That's public relations!!
