Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tonight's agenda - Lake Worth

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An Ordinance to amend the alcoholic beverages regulations for special city events and to allow open containers of alcoholic beverages. Honky Tonk Time.

An Ordinance to amend the beach parking regulations. There is no mention of the fee schedule for the various infractions. Backing into a spot is unnecessary and backs-up traffic even more.

D-1. Purchase of a new Bar Code system
They want to take monies from the unfilled utilities director position and has $150000 in the account. As someone pointed out to me, this is a LW utilities practice of spending money just because it wasn't used for its intended budgeted purpose. This purchase isn't of a critical nature that it couldn't be built into the upcoming budget. They have indicated they want to bring LW rates in line with FPL. This is a good time to place some fiscal restraint to the business and demonstrate the same to the ratepayers. This is a capital purchase and SHOULD be planned through the budget, not just spending on someone's wish list because they have some dollars unspent.

D-2. Coming before the commission tonight is a huge expense. All sealed bids had to be into the city by May 29, 2013. The Electric Utility wants the commission to approve the purchases of what they say are "necessary transformers."

Overhead distribution transformers: 161 - $446,058
Single phase pad mount distribution transformers: 40 -  $81,260
Nine, three pad mount distribution transformers: 9 - $93,945
Four, three phase pad mount transformers: 4 - $52,280
TOTAL: $673,543

The Electric Utility says that the transformers in this purchase are for routine replenishment. Perhaps they are.

1 comment:

  1. they voted to spend all that money because bornstein told them to.
