Monday, September 2, 2013

The "other" guy, you know, the "ethical" blogger

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A photo from the very same evening as his YouTube

From Wes Blackman's Blog--
Lyn Andrsen is a snake in the grass. She's no more a Republican or a tea-party member than me or you. She's a paid hack. It's not hard, who's paying her? The best way to find that info is hand out a few bills. You'll have your answer. Sun Sep 01, 11:31:00 PM EDT
To 11:31 above--the name is spelled L-Y-N-N  A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N, but you knew that. You did a terrible job of concealing your identity with your comment.

Now it's a good thing you posted anonymously as you clearly don't know what you're talking about. I am a registered Democrat and have been for 40 years. Who better than to write about the abuses in my own Party? Now if you want to find out if I am a "hack" or not, get me in a conversation...good debate is free and the American way. And thanks Wes, for using my image to get hits on your blog and for the sole purpose of setting me up for personal attacks. You are one lovely and ethical blogger and this city needs you.  How does that can of Spam taste?


  1. Thank God Stafford isn't wearing short shorts! How much was pocketed from the CRA 6th Ave. and 10th Ave, redo disasters? How many people have died, how much blood is on this groups hands because of the pedestrian nightmare that was created? This group of bottom suckers could care less about the innocents killed. All they wanted was the pay off. That's what is behind the Illegal hotel district. Money in the pockets of the right people. Screw everything else. Why do you think that the P&Z board was dissolved? It was all a part of this groups greedy master plan.

  2. This photo is entitled The Pimps. If you are a pimp, no one is allowed to have a different point of view. You are then characterized as an anarchist, a clown, whatever. Ask Easton. He knows all of the adjectives. Another "ethical" writer.

  3. Hey anonymous at 2:22, you might want to consider a psych evaluation.

  4. I don't get the spam. Is it that it rhymes with scam?

  5. The "other" guy gets it. You will have to ask him.

  6. The Ripper's girlfriendSeptember 2, 2013 at 3:08 PM

    LOL! Have you been holding out on us, Lynn? Are you getting the big bucks? They really are frustrated by you! Congratulations on poking them in the eye, again and again. Ain't it FUN???? LOL

  7. The photo is great! Birds of a feather.

  8. Is this, what elegant,well bred Lake Worth residents look like?
    The unsavory aspect of the new City Hall occupants, prevents civilized taxpayers from attending the scruffy ,ill-mannered,immoral proceedings!
    The exterior reflects the mental
    Should we call the sanitation Dept.?

  9. If you don't see your comment here it is because it was too explosive and/or too raunchy to post. I just deleted two comments.

  10. 9:54 what in the world are you talking about? who are these elegant well bred residents you wrote about and who are the new city hall occupants. immoral proceedings?

  11. Thank God McVoy beat him. And I'm a Republican!!

  12. 2:22 brings up a great point. Exactly how many people have died over there? Were they intoxicated and crossed where they shouldn't have crossed? Were they guatamalan? How many guatamalans do you see crossing halfway across the street, with kids where they shouldn't be crossing? Maybe it was just ignorant white trash that tried to beat a car. There are many reasons someone can get hit by a car and for you to try to lay the blame the bottom feeders.
    Where's the big payoff from that project? Based on your accusations, you must have proof. Please provide it for us all.

  13. Hey. There's Mr. Michigan. Big government pension. And he thinks he's a Republican because he can't get his head around LOW RISE. Can't understand what's charming about a small, historic downtown in the middle of Palm Beach County. Hey, maybe Detroit could use him. I hear they need some new buildings up there. And I know a couple of guys up there he could spar with when he gets bored. They like his type.

  14. maybe i am naive but i do not understand the meaning of the comments on this post. what does 9:54 and 5:34 mean by their comments? are these just irrational ramblings?

  15. 9:54, why do you write such b.s. with no facts of any kind. You must feel wronged, left out, or just in need of professional help.

  16. It's strange why Wes Blackman continues to do this on his blog. I remember where you said at one time you would not allow this sort of blogger attack here. Thanks for keeping it as above board as you possibly can. I never go to that other blog anymore as I am never sure when someone will be saying the most vile comments towards me. Just can't stand the personal attacks and his method.
