Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Quote of the Day - Ted Cruz

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"There are lots of folks in Washington that can choose to throw rocks and I’m not going to reciprocate.”

~ Sen Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz, wearing his black tennis sneakers for comfort, started speaking at 2:41 p.m. yesterday and is still speaking on Obamacare.


  1. If only Ted Cruz weren't born in Canada, he would get my vote for President. A ticket with Ted Cruz & Allen West would win in a landslide.
    Hopefully he will keep the Senate from voting on the funding bill. He is the only one standing up to Obama to keep him from shutting this country down..

  2. 3:53pm...Why not Sarah Palin instead of Cruz? The Republican Party is in deep trouble with either of them as their leader!!
    You have it backward, Cruz is the one wanting to shut down the government.

  3. I guess you didn't listen to one minute of his 21+ hour speech. he does NOT want to shut down the government.

  4. Sure I did Lynn loved it when he started talking about Green Eggs and Ham.
