Thursday, September 5, 2013

Putin calls John Kerry a liar

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Putin, speaking to his human rights council a day after the AP interview, minced no words about U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, whom he accused of whitewashing ties between al-Qaida and some rebel groups in Syria.
"He is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad," Putin said.

Read the article at The Huffington post on Obama's arrival in Russia for the G20 conference.


  1. Putin, now there's an honest, straight shooting man who cares deeply about human rights!

  2. Yeah, sort of like this commission. Just change out the words "human rights" and replace them with "voters rights."

  3. If only someone had called Bush a liar before we invaded Iraq; because of weapons of mass destruction.

  4. The difference, anonymous is --
    36 countries had troops on the ground in Iraq and we had UN support. So far, Obama is going alone on Syria other than France verbalizing support. They can't help our Treasury--they are a socialist country and flat broke.

  5. The difference, 8:03 is --

    We know Bush lied, but we don't know if Kerry lied!!

  6. Bush was told they had WMD. Our intel and intel of foreign governments confirmed that. Is that the LIE to which you refer? Sounds like you want to go into Szria.

  7. Well doesn't our intel and intel of foreign governments confirm what Kerry said?

    I do not want the US to go into Syria.

    My point is about the manipulation of information. We don't know if intel from Syria is being manipulated or not. We do know that intel was manipulated and manufactured before we invaded Iraq!
