Monday, September 30, 2013

Obama--Bragging on Islam, Iran and the holy Quran

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  1. Great video all in Obama's own words and deeds. Now he wants to shut down the govt.

  2. It's fake,

    Don't you ever fact check what you post?

  3. Snopes? Great. Obama said this stuff. Can you deny that, anonymous? Is that someone dubbing his voice and his face, etc., etc., etc.?

    Do you ever think that Obama may not be the anointed one?

  4. Obama is a disaster. There is nothing fake about this video. You are drinking the Koolaid.

  5. Just your typical Obama supporter who cNA't stand any criticism. He's not well like by the American public right now or haven't you been reading the newspapers? He has displayed zero tolerance and zero fairness to the people he's suppose to serve. Now tomorrow I get to find out what my affordable premium will be.

  6. I would have more respect for Lynn is she stuck to the policies of Obama she did not care for rather than posting a spliced together video of out of content quotes as proof that he is a Muslim.

    The fuller portions of this video have been published and it is clear that it does not prove he is Muslim.

  7. Look, there's not one Obama supporter alive who will give a non-supporter of Obama any respect. Obama has the distinction of the one who made me understand, after 4 decades, that I am not a Democrat afterall. How sad and what a revelation. The Party has changed. To tell you the truth, I don't like any Party but I respect those politicians who have conservative principles. I could care less if Obama is a Muslim. Of course, if he were, he would never have been elected. I just would appreciate our leaders opening their eyes.
