Saturday, September 28, 2013

Looking obliquely sideways

China is known to be targeting U.S. missile defenses and is also developing its own missile defenses. China is now capable of jamming our communications defenses information of which was given to them by a US spy who was convicted of passing intelligence and now in prison for four years...not long enough. In another case, millions in trade secrets were handed over to Chinese.

Read more... and then draw your own conclusions why a Bradley Manning/Julian Assange or an Ed Snowden are no heroes for exposing American secrets. These are not some non-essential "leakers" or "whistleblowers."  Snowden leaked a secret NSA program and in the Manning/Assange affair, top secret videos, incident reports from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, information on detainees at Guantanamo and thousands of State Department cables were leaked to the enemy.

What in hell is going on with some people who live in the greatest country on Earth?  Where did all these skewed moralists come from?

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