Friday, September 27, 2013

Lake Worth Lagoon

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The Snook Islands Natural Area, just north of the Lake Worth Bridge, is one of the spots where water pollution from flood control discharges is killing habitat vital to fish, manatees and wading birds.

Read the Sun Sentinel on flood control water dumping is hurting the Lake Worth Lagoon.


  1. Prior to the Ocean outfall, pre 1958, all sewage use to get dumped into the lake. I`m sure that slime is still in the bottom of the lake and on the shoreline rocks. Fishermen use to catch Toad fish, Snook, an occasional Jew fish at various places and off the old LW Bridge.

  2. Lynn,this is another example of our electeds sitting idly by as our quality of life is slowly but surely eroded. We now have a infrastructure plan which cost hundreds of thousands which cannot outline how to fix sidewalks and curbs on decent streets, has not figured out that it is unfair for a minority of citizens to foot the whole cost,and managed by a weak team of city staff. Am I wrong, but seems to me we need a strong mayor who will keep citizens issues on the cms mind. I say this because at the last commission meeting it was obvious the mayor and commissioners were unprepared. We deserve better. Your thoughts Lynn.

  3. The Commission will try to sell a general obligation bond for $40 to $80 million to fix our roads that they have allowed to go to pot. As we are a poor city thanks to several factors that have made us such, it is unfair for the more affluent to fund roads for the entire city just as it is that the wealthy in this country pay the biggest percentage in taxes. I still believe a special assessment, block by block is more appropriate. Every block has it's special needs. But then, who is to say that the city has not totally neglected the western communities and have allowed them to go to slum and blight by not enforcing code and allowing the slumlords to exist, etc. and therefore properties values are down the tubes. We keep attracting the poor to this city and at this rate, we will never rise above the ashes.

    I don't know what's fair here but I am more inclined to agree with John Rinaldi on this issue.

    The commission wants to be known for not raising the millage this year but they don't tell you that property taxes are UP. They want to be known as fixing our infrastructure but don't tell you at what cost. They want to be known as finally kicking off the park of commerce for development but they do not tell you the cost for the taxpayer in this city, the guy who is struggling by. Developers should be paying for this infrastructure, not taxpayers.

    I am against a STRONG mayor...we could get someone like a Lois Frankel--heaven forbid.
