Tuesday, September 24, 2013

International Cleanup Day

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A message from Gael Silverblatt on the Snook Island clean-up--

The International Cleanup Day was very successful on Saturday for the Snook Islands Natural Area with 25 volunteers filling 34 bags and with a total weight of all the trash picked up of 610 lbs.

Totals of some items included 181 plastic bottles, 61 glass bottles, 86 cans, 129 plastic bags, 174 cups and plates, 276 bottles caps, 257 package wrappers, 60 take out containers, 131 straws,  52 plastic knives, forks, spoons, 37 plastic lids, 33 6-pack holders, 201 small plastic pieces, 194 small foam pieces, 13 yards of rope, 11 condoms, 10 syringes, 31 cigar tips, 91 cigarette butts, and 11 cigarette lighters.

Some larger items were two plastic chairs, a wood frame for pouring concrete, lots of 1'X1' foam construction pieces, and a matched pair of shoes.

Students from Palm Beach State College were a big help as were many residents of Lake Worth. We ran out of trash bags but not enthusiasm.


  1. Thanks Lynn and Gael for all your hard work and trying to clean up here and make this city look nicer. I agree and am shocked about how many cigarette butts you all found. So many people who smoke could care less about our earth and environment and just throw their butts on the ground with now respect for mother earth or the rest of us who live here. The same people then want freebees and handicapped parking decals from our government because they have health issues related to smoking or bad decisions they make. When will smokers and the people who tossed all this trash here take some responsibility and stop blaming others and hurting our planet? At Highland Elem school there is a spirit club there to teach kids to recycle, pickup trash,and be responsible for our planet. It is a start. People must stop throwing their cigarette butts on the ground, it is the number one form of liter in the USA!

  2. I want to thank Gael and all the volunteers for making a difference. It is unbelievable that people trash our city and trash the Earth every day...no respect for anyone or anything. My only contribution here was bringing forth Gael's message.

    On another note, at the football stadium this past Friday night, the trash strewn around was also unbelievable. Empty soda cans were all under the stadium bleachers along with other trash. I was really shocked to see it all as I am always bragging about these kids.

  3. Great to see the clean up efforts, its a real shame that there so much trash in our waterways, beaches and parks. I pick up trash all the time when I walk.

  4. Much of garbage come from spillway waterway citys. It is very bad from wet summer and water smell and look like mud bad when I come back. Go look very bad and not good for future wildlife.

    Polish Chris

  5. You people who help clean up our public spaces are AWESOME!!
