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As a government, we are diverting farther and farther from the Constitution in many aspects but especially the First Amendment that guarantees free speech and free press. On a national level, Big Money is the influence in the eroding of the protections we have had in our Constitution and the every-day citizen who has any beliefs and speaks out on politics, candidates, and what is happening in the world, is subject to a new price of freedom. The "other" side does not want to hear you. They want to shut you up permanently. If you have any idea contrary to theirs, forget about it. A vile campaign will follow. It happens nationally and it happens locally. We all can get "swift-boated" with lies and vile attacks.
All writers can make mistakes from time to time; no one is immune. Trust me when I say that we get crucified for them as the other side of politics is scrutinizing everything you do and waiting for that one foul-up or looking to twist your intent. I am often the subject of the bully and one blogger who seldom speaks in public but he loves to hang me on a noose. All bloggers try their best to get the facts correct and rely on sources. But I am not talking about the occasional mistake. I am talking about freedom of expressing your opinion, your ideas, a right. I also agree that personal attacks are vile and unnecessary and should be kept at bay.
Forty-seven years ago the Supreme Court struck down a law prohibiting election-day newspapers' editorials in Mills vs. Alabama and said that "there is practically universal agreement that a major purpose of the first amendment was to protect the free discussion of governmental affairs." We all know that news editorials written by those whose publications, for the most part are owned by big business, are highly influential and their campaign endorsement is coveted for that great elevation it gives to candidates and causes. Here in Lake Worth, the local newspaper has always been on one side of politics.
Our local newspaper editor just wrote an editorial entitled "Let's be civil" and went after blogs and what is written saying "This venomous name calling wouldn't make it onto the pages of a respectful publication or even a blog." He calls it a form of pornography. Pornography is a form of sexual arousement and pornography is illegal. Free Speech, on the other hand, is legal and guaranteed under the Constitution. Big difference and his analogy, although far-fetched, is his right under the First Amendment. Blogs are opinion pieces as is his editorials. The difference in the two is that blogs, by their very nature, take comments most of which are anonymous. Comments can be extremely heady depending upon what side of the political spectrum the commenter is on. Most on-line newspapers will accept any comment as long as you don't use profanity or threaten someone or our union with harm or give disgusting, degrading remarks.
For a news editor to call those who disagree with his political views as "obstructionists" and should "be forced from the city," is hypocritical to say the least. He condemns the name calling but then reverts to the very same thing he abhors. He believes that there are some in this city who are anti-growth and some who want to keep the city exactly the same as it's been for the past 50 years with empty storefronts, prostitution, crime, etc. I would imagine it is because of the heights amendment and those who voted to keep the downtown a low-rise city. He gives an hypotheses and suggests that if this is what we want and if we don't want change, we are the problem and should be "purged from the city."
Everyone who is of sound mind, wants to rid this city of slum, blight and crime. We want all these things to end and property values to go up but we want the downtown to remain a low-rise city. Again he gives a personal attack, the very thing he is so much against. He implies that if you disagree with him and "If all of this is why you came to Lake Worth and you don't want change, we want you to leave." Why should we leave? This is our city too and we want what's best for the citizens, not the developers. We are guaranteed this right.
He says we don't debate issues, just complain and don't give facts or solutions. I guess he doesn't read the blogs too thoroughly. It is up to the elected officials to make the quality of life better here. We elect THEM to come up with the solutions. Building higher is not one of them because there is no argument that supports that our quality of life would improve. And we want change, perhaps not his idea of 'change' by compromising our low-rise city and handing it over to the highest bidder.
Anonymous blog comments have no credibility and anyone who has any integrity at all, should sign their editorial as well as their negative personal attack blog comment.
WOW, LYNN, great blog. Don't worry about that other blogger. We all know what his game is. Don't worry about Easton either. He's a part of the attack crowd.
ReplyDeleteIt is up to all of us to make our city better. We should be recommending to the elected officials what would make our city better. But once we call them corrupt, not caring, unresponsive to us,they stop listening.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Lynn and the other comment here. It seems as if the mentality of the city and leaders is to keep it so blighted and crime infested is their excuse to then promote their growth and development. They all feel that we need to build up and grow and develop so much here and that will put an end to blight and the problems. Their logic is flawed and is just an excuse. There is no reason at all this city cannot be more vigilant in addressing blight, crime, and the deplorable conditions and use their codes and enforcement to get properties looking better here. The current CM, Mayor, and Comm (and some of these bloggers and business owners in this city)are all using the need to develop and build up as the only solution for stopping blight and crime. That is a fallacy. WE all need to prove them wrong, we all need to vote them out, and run these bloggers and businesses that promote all this over development out of our quaint little city by the sea.
ReplyDeleteOh, baloney @ 1:29
ReplyDeleteIf Karson had any defense she would have defended herself. You picked up the torch and what you said to the commission was 100% contrary to her agreement. So now you are in a funk because you relied on karson and her rendition does not match the facts. What will you do now, attack the facts as lies, muddy the water with unrelated talk, or do the honorable thing. I was wrong would be a start.
ReplyDeleteI would invite you to re-read my blog. The other thing, 2 minutes to make points sometimes is not enough time to get your message completely across. I would bet that they performed to the letter of the contract. They were just not going to be bullied and harassed by the commission as their job was over. No FUNK here.
ReplyDeleteIf the title ofEaston's EDITORIAL was "lets be civil", was it a message to Mayor Pam Triolo, telling her to stick that gavel of hers where the sun don't shine?
ReplyDeleteThis current Commission has got to be the rudest, meanest,most arrogant Commission in the entire history of Lake Worth. Add smug to that liost.
As for Easton- he is a sad little guy with a paper that wishes it had a SLIVER of the readership this blog has on a daily basis. Keep kicking Easton and his "friends" in the ass with the truth Lynn.
why don't you stop allowing anonymous posting? i like your blog. good local entertainment, i skip the national politics, west, syria stuff on here, but i especially, enjoy katie m., weetha, dee. keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI hope that Karson runs for the Commission. She is a hell of a lot more intelligent than the lumps that are propped up there now! I swear I saw a zipper in the back of Amoroso's head where the puppet master controls his mouth! These comments do not apply to Dr. Mcvoy. The only civil human being on our Commission.
ReplyDelete"If Karson had any defense she would have defended herself".
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell? This must be a member of our present Nazi Commission that thinks we should all bend down and kiss their ,,,,RINGS !
Karson did her job. She did it well. And she could have done it better if that piece of mold Maxwell had not tried to sabotage the whole process. She is a private citizen, she does not need to come running when this gaggle of idiots that call themselves elected officials want her to.
"karson did her job. She did it well". Why then did Stanton publicly state the end result was disappointing?
ReplyDeletePinkie you whine and snivel about being told to leave the city but your little gang's response to anyone that doesn't agree with you is "if you don't like it move to Ft. Lauderdale. Hypocrisy is the opposite of integrity.
And why don't you explain why you don't stop taking anonymous comments? BECAUSE THEN YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO POST STATEMENTS LIKE "but I especially enjoy Katie m. weetha and dee. Keep up the good work anonymously yourself.
@ 3:50--please, I invite you stay off this blog. You have nothing of consequence to contribute but made up assertions and name calling. Go back and stand in the corner and take that thumb out of your mouth. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWe have so many insurmountable problems in this town and when you mention them, someone attacks you. They sit around all day waiting to attack. They have nothing better than to do but try and drag you down to their level of discontent. Are we surrounded by crazy people? I am beginning to think so. Lynn, keep up and stay focused and hope that people run against this group.
ReplyDeleteanony at 3:50 when they were passing out brains, you stood in the wrong line.
ReplyDeleteMust be the reason why that other famous man from TV who owns the 1306 to 1320 Lucerne Ave who keeps his property so blighted and boarded up, he is another "pro developer building up type," he has that same mentality that development will rid us of blight, yet he is the blame to his own blight and boarded up mess as he let's it get bad from time to time and so many druggies hang out all over his place. He only wants development to sell that land for millions, he only cares about $$$$$$$$$ too, all the ones that want a lot of development only care about $$$$$$, they like to use the pro-development stance to say it will rid us of blight, but it can be done without 6 story buildings and new construction all over this city.
ReplyDeleteSo is this why they have stopped listening or responding to most citizens in this city? They only listen to the developers giving them kickbacks and campaign money? Well, then, if they are so busy with their own jobs and careers and this is too much work for them to serve, why did they run? if they have not time to respond to the citizens, they need to step down and get out of office. What a disgrace. Make the CM then respond to all of us and address the issues at hand we have in this city. This mayor and comm. is a huge disgrace to humanity. They shouldn't have ran or should step down if they cannot be responsive to the citizens of Lake Worth!
ReplyDelete"anonymous said...
It is up to all of us to make our city better. We should be recommending to the elected officials what would make our city better. But once we call them corrupt, not caring, unresponsive to us,they stop listening.
September 13, 2013 at 1:29 PM"
Lynn, thank you so much for your love, honesty, and compassion for the city and its future. Thanks for your blog and the outlet it provides since we now have a mayor, comm. and CM who do not respond to or listen to its citizens. You are a better mayor and more respected as a blogger that Pam or any of them could ever be. You can, you respond, you share, you get the facts and truth out and should be credited for any good in this city. Thanks for the voice and for caring so much, thanks for the blog, thanks for your love. God bless you, we are blessed to have you and this blog as our only outlet for voicing concerns in this city. THANK YOU THANK YOU! I do not know how Pam, Scott, Michael, Andy sleep at night, they are all a disgrace to our city and community. Shame on then. Thanks Lynn for lal you do!
ReplyDeleteThanks, anonymous at 6:33. It is nice to get a compliment. Usually I get people telling me to stand in the middle of I-95 during rush hour. :)
ReplyDeleteDevelopers are on record as willing to pay millions more if they are allowed to go up 2 more stories at the old City Hall site in WPB.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think they have offered to our elected officials to get the 65' height in our historic downtown?
2:12, you must be on some powerful drugs. "why dont you stop allowing anonymous posting." then you post anonymously. "enjoy katie m., weetha, dee. ok. i like katie stickin it to the mayor. really, i do not have a clue what weetha is talking about but in person she is pleasant. but to enjoy the wicked witch of lakeside, really.
ReplyDeleteDee exposes the cesspool of corruption that has dominated LW politics for many years.
ReplyDeleteHer comments are really enjoyable to those who know of and/or suspect this in crowd of corruption. Remember Palm Beach County is "corruption county". Do you think LW's old political cronies, the in crowd on the boards now and for most of recent history are honorable people? Really?