Thursday, September 19, 2013

Foster Parents needed in Lake Worth

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Every year hundreds of abused, abandoned or neglected children enter the child welfare system and guess what--145 local children were removed from their homes this past year because of abuse. Lake Worth is the second highest city with abused children. This is a revolting distinction. Executive Director of ChildNet, Larry Rein, gave a presentation this past Tuesday night asking for volunteers to step up and become foster parents.


  1. Sorry, but no way would I put myself or my family into the middle of these train wrecks. They often involve drug dealing and teenagers that are already too far gone. No Way !

  2. I'm sure there are situations like this. But very few children are really "too far gone." A friend of mine here in Lake Worth spent most of her childhood in foster care. She is a lovely person, a wonderful mother, and thankful for the foster parents who showed her care and provided a nice room and home for her. She was a kid. It wasn't her fault that her parents had made bad decisions. The same is true in most of these cases. Some of the kids may act out from anger, or because they haven't been paid enough attention. But if shown some love and given guidance, this can be turned around.

  3. What a great way to make a difference in someone's life. Thinking about that story about Teddy Stoddard, or this new movie/commercial, it is so impacting, you never know how what you can do now may help both you and others in the future, watch the movie, very powerful.
