Tuesday, September 17, 2013

FL Sen Jeff Clemens complains to Senate Ethics Committee

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In a letter to the chairman of the Senate Ethics and Elections Committee, Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth, is calling for legislative hearings on the revolving door that allows employees to take leaves of absence from the legislature to work for political campaigns.

Clemens called it a "serious conflict of interest when legislative employees are allowed to leave work and earn money from campaigns and/or the companies that have business before the Legislature."

Read more... at the Miami Herald.


  1. Thanks, Jeff. Someone standing up for ethics is a great thing.

  2. Standing up while abusing the same???

    Doesn't Jeff take money from the red light camera people - why thank him - perhaps we should spank him for being bad and Unethical yet pointing the finger for what he is guilty of?

    It IS a pretty Fookin "serious conflict of interest when legislative employees are allowed to 'stay at work and earn money from the companies that have business before the Legislature."

    Put a patch on your suit coat so we really know who you represent!

    Amazing the pot calling the kettle black!

    Can anyone say "Red Light Cameras" Jeff Clemens?

  3. Jeff is a liar and hypocrite. Most if not all elected officials are. All of our city elected officials are and have lied, it is called compromising your principles, which all elected officials have to do if they are going to get into or stay in office. Very sad. Not many people really like or trust Jeff or Pam, look what happened to Bo Allen when he was a commissioner, left in disgrace.
