Friday, September 6, 2013

Crime on Snowden - Lake Worth

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There is tons of crime all over the city on every given day. Actually it would be too boring and perhaps shocking to report it all. Then there are others who condemn me for reporting any crime at all as they believe it is damaging to Lake Worth's reputation. That reasoning always makes me scratch my head. As we pay the PBSO millions every year and their contract is going up 2.5%, all of us should be concerned with the crime. Salaries are going up and crime is going up right along with it. And they wonder why no hotelier wants to build here.

THEFT/LARCENY--13116941--700 BLOCK SNOWDEN DR--9/5/2013 6:49:00 PM

This is my cousin's block!


  1. Do we really have cops in this city?

  2. Good question!! I don't see them ever.

  3. What are we paying the sheriff's office now? Does anyone know?

  4. PBSO in the new budget comes in at $15,299,593

  5. For $15,299,593, the city could hire a private security force for every neighborhood!
