Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Black Mob murders White man for no reason and then laughed

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This white guy, construction worker and father of six, was just out fishing minding his own business.  What happens?  A black mob beat him to death. There are no charges pending on those blacks who watched and laughed and shouted encouragement.

Read more... on the rising black on white violence spreading like a wildfire across the country with cops wimping out scared to death to talk about racial violence.

Where's Jessee  Where's Al?  Where's Oprah?  Where's Obama? The President made a big mistake when he said he could have had a son who looked like Trayvon.


  1. dozens of blacks in a mob. my glock holds 10...time for a larger magazine.
    if im fishing at 1am im carrying more than bait.

  2. The seeds of the hate in the black community must be investigated. The hate itself must be stomped out. Stronger punishment is needed for these murderers and rapists. They do not mind prison as they don't value their own lives.

  3. You need to read more about this Colin Flaherty, the man who wrote this 'story'. Apparently no other news outlets (Conservative or Liberal) reported this or any of his other 'stories'.
    All these incidents are virtually blacked out by the rest of the media (he says), and he is the only one who knows the real truth.
    Hey... I know a guy named Rumple something that can turn straw into gold. The main stream media wont report it, but I know the real truth!

  4. Yeah, yeah, it's happening all over the country. Reading too much liberal left wing "news?"

  5. Colin Flaherty is a reporter. Almost everything he's reporting has been recorded on video, pulled from tapes of 911 calls, documented in police reports and corroborated by eye witnesses. It is hard to believe, I know, and hard to read. But we must be brave in facing these facts, and speaking out against this black-on-white brutality.
