Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bee Petition

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Albert Einstein once said, "If the bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live."

Today, bee populations in the United States are rapidly collapsing. This cruel reality makes it even more disheartening to learn that one of the largest fruit juice producers in the United States, Florida's Natural Growers, buys some of its oranges from Ben Hill Griffin, Inc., a supplier which was recently fined by the Florida Department of Agriculture for spraying its citrus groves with harmful pesticides. According to the Florida Department of Agriculture, this spraying resulted in the death on millions of bees. However, this fine only amounts to $1500, a mere slap on the wrist to a company the size of Ben Hill Griffin, Inc.

Sign the Petition

1 comment:

  1. The 1,500 dollar fine was a symbolic slap in the face to the bee keepers for daring to raise a stink. 1500 dollars to Ben Hill Griffin company is NOTHING!!!
    It was a shut up moment brought about by those who were terrified by Ben Hill Griffin"s VERY ample campaign contributions.
    A 1500 dollar fine? Impossibly sad but totally predictable for the state of Florida. Katie Mcgiveron
