Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Strategy and a Plan

A senior Syrian official has warned that Israel will “come under fire” should the United states pursue any military aggression against the Assad regime.

As reported by the Israeli news site Ynet, Halef al-Muftah, a leading member of the Syrian Ba’ath national council, and a former aide to the Syrian media minister said today that the Syrian government has “strategic weapons aimed at Israel.” And like a rabbit in a snake's cage, Israel is being quiet on Syria.

The government always has to have a strategy and a plan when it's considering bombing a country. Rand Paul says, “I think the line in the sand should be that America gets involved when American interests are threatened. I don’t see American interests involved on either side of this Syrian war.”

It will now be up to our Congress as to whether we take any sort of retaliatory measure against Assad for his use of chemical weapons on his own people. This was clever Obama politics in action. Either way it unfolds, Obama  can blame it on Republicans. The house seems to be in agreement with the President--we don't want to look like wooses and besides, it is immoral to allow someone to gas his people.

In Saturday's Press conference, Obama stated, “While I believe I have the authority to carry out this military action without specific congressional authorization, I know that the country will be stronger if we take this course, and our actions will be even more effective.” After that, Obama left for a golf game.


  1. What is the plan if Israel is attacked? How long will Obama dither around if that happens? Things could go wrong in so many ways. Where are that Saudis? Jordan? The Arab league? This is their realm. This is their problem. Time to spend some of THEIR billions in defense of THEIR region. What about our own bankruptcy problems in this country? Hey all you Boca and New York Jews that voted for Obama- are you happy now?

  2. I do not understand why the UN has not had a plan in place for when/if chemical weapons are utilized.
    It seems completely useless to be dithering around about it, after the fact. A previously agreed upon, decisive punitive measure might have been a deterrent as well.
    Now with Syria threatening Israel if attacked and all their troops flocking to heavily populated areas, what is there left to do?
    I am no military strategist to be sure, but I say go directly after the dictator who ordered the chemical attack.
    Capture or kill him - a la bin Laden.
    Let him know he is hunted and it's just a matter of time.
    (I hope secretly that's what's in place already!)
