Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Bible, a Bullhorn and a Sign

Bible fundamentalists-
They are everywhere and against everything
not in the Bible

John Kranert, above, was arrested during our 2009 Gay Pride Parade for what he says was a violation of his First Amendment rights. The sheriff says he was disorderly for preaching against homosexuality. Kranert won that one as charges were later dismissed. Now he is suing the PBSO.

This gentleman stood on the corner of Lake Avenue and Toojays with his Are You Ready sign during the 2012 Gay Pride Parade. He didn't bother anyone--just stood there with his sign handing out literature to anyone who asked.

A Sunday message:

Christianity is, I believe, about expanded life, heightened consciousness and achieving a new humanity. It is not about closed minds, supernatural interventions, a fallen creation, guilt, original sin or divine rescue. I am tired of seeing the Bible being used, as it has been throughout history, to legitimize slavery and segregation, to subdue women, to punish homosexuals, to justify war and to oppose family planning and birth control. That is a travesty which must be challenged and changed.

~ John Shelby Spong, retired bishop of the Episcopal church

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