Sunday, September 15, 2013

9/11 - No Place for Publisher's Politics

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Raising the flag at Ground Zero.

At the above site, there is a photo that was taken on 9-11-01 by Thomas E. Franklin of The Record (Bergen County, NJ). The picture shows three New York City firefighters raising the American flag at Ground Zero of the World Trade Center following the September 11 attacks. The official names for the photograph used by The Record are Firefighters Raising Flag and Firemen Raising the Flag at Ground Zero. The photo appeared on The Record front page on September 12, 2001.

The paper also put it on the Associated Press wire and it appeared on the covers of many newspapers around the world. It has often been compared to the photograph taken by Joe Rosenthal during World War II. Blogs and newspapers have used it repeatedly over the past 12 years.

Although this photo has been used across the globe, its publishers are now suing Sarah Palin for using it in commemoration of the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center by Muslim terrorists who waged war on the United States.


  1. A quick phone call, would have solved this, but Palin does what she wants, and look where that got her ( the laughing stock of politics. )

  2. In YOUR opinion or other Democrats' opinions--NOT anyone elses!!

  3. The photo HAS been used across the globe: with attribution, strictly by media outlets. The copyright holder clearly prohibits commercial or political promotion use. SuperPACs are "not-for-profit" (sic) businesses set up to collect huge quantites of donor monies without the messy component of disclosure of source, or their use.

    Neither Ms. Palin or her associates responded to a written request to remove the photo. Hence the lawsuit.

  4. If that is the case, anonymous, please send me the link.
    If she had been asked to take it down, she would have taken it down. She is not insensitive nor is she stupid.
    In the years I have been writing this, only one person pitched a fit about me using a photo. I immediately removed it. If anyone is that protective of their "art" used on the Internet, then it needs to be respected.

  5. It's all over the interwebs... Google up.

    “It’s important to enforce our copyright on this iconic photo," Jennifer Borg, general counsel of the North Jersey Media Group, told CNN. “When neither Ms. Palin nor her PAC responded to our demand letter to remove the photo, we were left with no choice but to seek redress through the courts.”

    Most egregious regarding her PAC's usage was putting their own copyright in the bottom right corner of the photo. That's felony theft, and demonstrably stupid.
