Friday, August 23, 2013

Visioning Work session Lake Worth

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Tomorrow at Noon, the Visionaries will meet for a workshop on a "visioning plan."  This is the same commission that believes development, any kind of development in any place, is a cure all for all ills. It is a date scheduled for more budget discussions, discussions that never once talked about serious issues we have in our city such as--

Unfunded liabilities in the union pensions
Cost of public safety (PBSO) that will rise by 2.45% to $14,781,834
Cost of Fire services that is going up by 12.64%

What they describe as "non-controllable" costs, take 70% of our operating revenues which include healthcare and employee costs.  The remaining 30% is spent on fixing pot holes, etc.

These won't be discussed...they can't control them or can't/won't negotiate them...someone else holds the strings here or it's all too much of a hassle. Instead, the commission will be discussing the Roadway/Utilities Master Plan and the Park of Commerce, both tremendous and exorbitant expenses for a city with NO money. They won't be talking about pot holes that are driving everyone crazy throughout the city and something the city can't even afford to repair right--but huge future capital costs. The Park of Commerce is a campaign promise of Scott Maxwell's and anything that might bring jobs is good for the mayor.

City government is one big beauracracy that has managed to arrive at unsustainable union pensions and medical benefit costs with other restrictive elements of union contracts. No discussion about them but plenty of talk about spending tens of millions, perhaps a hundred million, down the road that ad-valorem can't handle and never will.

This should be an interesting meeting.

“unsustainable” union pension and medical benefits costs and other restrictive elements of their SEIU labor agreements. - See more at:
“unsustainable” union pension and medical benefits costs and other restrictive elements of their SEIU labor agreements. - See more at:
“unsustainable” union pension and medical benefits costs and other restrictive elements of their SEIU labor agreements. - See more at:


  1. I am only interested in how we are going to pay for all of this. It sounds like part of it might be special assessments, block by block for the roads.

  2. These people are NUTS!
    There is no money and we
    have pot holes! Pot Holes 1st.

    Throw Up I mean Out the Enhancements
    that are too Palm Beach for a poor little town! (We Keep hearing how close to bankruptcy we are, so why mention the extra expenses unless you are mathematically challenged?)

    Neighborhood Entrance Signs - $10K
    Landscape Islands - $7,500
    Street Lighting - $7,500
    Hardscape Features - $5K
    Traffic Calming - $2,500

    Palm Beach Champagne Taste on a
    Lake Worth Beer Budget!

    How Much for a stop sign?

    How much for a Plain Light?

    How Much to Fix the Worst Roads 1st?

  3. What YOU Need to Know…

    Lake Worth 1.8.13 Agenda

    - “grasses over ten (10) inches in height ….”

    - “…special assessment lien shall be coequal with the lien of all state,
    county, district, and municipal taxes and superior in dignity to mortgages
    and all other liens, irrespective of the date of the recording…”

    - “A failure to pay said lien, even such lien upon homesteaded
    property, may result in a loss of title to your property."

    - “…city is empowered to enter upon and inspect lots on which
    a nuisance is suspected to exist.”

    - “Any code inspector shall be immune from prosecution, civil or criminal,

    … while in the discharge of duties imposed by these regulations.
    If inspection reveals the presence of a nuisance…”

    Item 10Aa Ordinance No. 2013-01 “Lot Clearing” Pg. 158

    Item 10Af Ordinance No. 2013-06 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - amend City Code
    to address single letter notification process Pg.216 “Guilty till Proven Innocent”?

    Item 10Ag Ordinance No. 2013-07 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - amend City Code to address the Special Magistrate (Called a 'Hanging Judge' by Bornstein) serving in the function of the Nuisance Abatement Board
    Pg 225 “From a Board to ONE person – easier to bribe or manipulate, no?”

    Item 11A Ordinance No. 2013-10 - First Reading - amend City Code to address code lien reductions through the City Manager … to allow for an expedited lien reduction process by giving the City Manager the authority to reduce and/or release code enforcement liens under certain circumstances. Pg. 304 “Voodoo Math” - $250K Lien = $25K Fine?
    (Item 11B Pg. 309 - gives Special Magistrate the same “Voodoo Math Powers”

  4. Take the log out of your own eye before you go after the splinter in mine! Your job is to maintain the roads! Took 100 years to figure out all repairs should be done at the same time? You say it like it's a good thing! How about No Parks till all roads are FIXED 1st!!!

    Pull a Bond and Tax US MORE for "Shiny Things"?

    Stop the Greenway crap!
    Land Acquisition w/what $$$?

    You can't cut your own grass but you dare take mine for the same offense?

    Now the city will compete with businesses by selling alcohol at
    city sponsored events! Wassup w/that?

    Where are the checks and balances?

    If you are able to do this - what can't you do?

    Shove 'UN created Consensus' where the sun don't shine and obey your Oath! The Consent of the Governed is ALL the CONSENT you have ever needed!

    You do NOT superseded my God Given Rights that ARE Un-A-Lien-Able! Permission is a JOKE to a real patriot! I respect the blood shed for Freedom - UNLIKE your public record!

    Get over yourselves!
    Your ideas from other failed/failing cites is LAME!

    Take Your Word Salads and Toss them or Eat them YOURSELVES! You're NOT the Boss of Me - Never were - Never will be.

  5. For a nearly bankrupt city,
    how do they find time to create
    these power points that require shiny things at obscenely expensive prices?

    Consider there is no koolaid!
    Staff is the "Common Denominator".
    Spending all this time creating OUR VISION - a commish stating boldly we ALL agree on this? Really? Doing your job but charging US EXTRA for
    it is OK because we all agree? I
    DO NOT AGREE and think the money goes to this first and place the shiny things back on the shelf and back away!

    STOP SPENDING! There is no special talent exhibited here and we are broke and uninterested in your new taxes!!!
