Sunday, August 11, 2013

They Come to America

Yesterday, Katie and I drove to Fort Lauderdale to a gathering put on by the Tea-Party at Umberto's on East Commercial Blvd. We spent our drive, to and fro, listening to the Tuesday Lake Worth city commission meeting from hell.  It was a great reminder of democratic abuse by a Lake Worth elected official and got us both pumped up for the Tea Party event on illegal immigration. After being in Ft. Lauderdale, it was an easy reminder as to why I live in Lake Worth and don't want 6 story buildings in our downtown and don't need nor want what comes with more people--traffic congestion for one.

The Tea Party gathering was all about democracy and learning more on Obama's pathway to citizenship policy and one that the Gang of Eight supports that is detrimental to America and its future. We met a lot of interesting people. One such person, shown above with Katie, calls herself the "rock star of the Republican Party." The event photographer was seated with us who just moved to Lake Worth.

The main guest speaker was Dennis Michael Lynch who has now produced his 2nd movie on illegal immigration, They Come to America II. He has been a guest on many television shows and gives talks all over the country. Introducing Mr. Lynch was right in your face Joyce Kaufman, radio talk show host out of Pompano Beach and who was Allen West's Chief of Staff for about three days until she said something controversial..if ballots don't work, bullets will. The fear at the time was that her comments may have incited a threat of violence that led to three-hour lock-down at 300 Florida schools. Liberals went nuts.

TCTA2 discredits the GANG OF 8 by exposing the real impact amnesty places on America's job market and national security.  Lynch defuses the race card and demonstrates how vulnerable we are for another 9/11 attack. Border security is basically non-existent and crossing it illegally is done every day by the hundreds. These criminals have no fear. We don't have enough border security officers and in one part of the film, none were evident for miles upon miles. Border security is an illusion and with the current pathway to Citizenship policy, border security will be much the same. Instead of 20 or 30 million here now (Obama keeps saying 11 million), it might triple in several decades if the Obama policy passes. The Census Bureau estimates the US population will grow from 281 million in 2000 to 397 million in 2050 with immigration. During his speech, whenever Obama's name was mentioned, plenty of boos followed. The boos increased in intensity at the name of Rubio.

Sean Hannity says: THEY COME to AMERICA II: The Cost of Amnesty (2013)--The most action-packed, eye-opening documentary ever made about illegal immigration has many people saying it's the film that can KILL the IMMIGRATION BILL.  But it's not in theaters because Hollywood and the mainstream media reject Dennis Michael Lynch (DML).  "It's a must-see." - Sean Hannity, FOX NEWS

If you think we have troubles now, you have to view these documentaries. I have the discs for both movies so if interested in viewing, contact me. As Dennis Lynch said, "Immigration is the most important issue in can't put the genie back in the bottle" once implemented and Obama's policy is enacted. It will be devastating to our future and will change our country as we know it, forever.

1 comment:

  1. You and Katie and the rest of those patriots are lucky that all your ancestors were born here and you are all true blue 100% americans.
