Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sunset 8-7-13 - A Sunset, the inspirational power of God

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Well, we've had about enough of "the will of the people" not being legal and all that jazz, at least for the moment--so what about a beautiful Lake Worth sunset? This should put even the most angry in a better mood. I still don't know why NO people are so angry--they have "won" for the moment even if they didn't win the vote.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." 
~Abraham Lincoln

“Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under!”
~ C. JoyBell C.


  1. Beautiful picture, beautiful quotes and beautiful headline! You put everything in perspective Lynn, THANK YOU.

  2. Thanks Lynn, love your photos, you are going to win big someday with those. Love the quotes too, it is all so true, we can get so hung up on all these politics and poor admin in this city running things, but we do have a great little city and wonderful beach, which I go to at least twice a day to swim in, it gives me so much peace and Spirit, we need to have our passions and fight for what we believe in, but we need to know that there is a higher power looking out for all, no worries, it is all in God's hands, things will be OK, never lose faith and hope. God bless Lynn, thanks for all you do for making this city and the people at peace.

  3. I love your blog Lynn, what a great outlet and voice for the people of this city, since we do not have one at city hall, these current elected officials need to go! Thanks Lynn for all you do!

  4. Thanks for the nice comments on my sunsets, something I love to shoot.

    As far as City hall goes, it is hard to penetrate and get to the bottom of things. When we have an elected official such as Chris McVoy with a different opinion than this majority and who is shut down from expressing it, we know that we are all in lots of trouble.
