Saturday, August 10, 2013

Quote of the Day - Rick Scott

“Two years ago unemployment and state-debt were up, while housing prices were down. To grow jobs, we cut taxes, cut burdensome regulations, made strategic investments and made state government more accountable to taxpayers. The results are in – and IT’S WORKING. Moody’s has given credit to our management of taxpayer dollars, and we’ve paid down $3.5 billion in state debt, which won’t burden our future generations.

According to the Division of Bond Finance, by reducing total debt by $3.5 billion, costs related to servicing the debt has decreased by $6.9 billion since 2010, which over time has freed additional resources for state priorities. Refinancing debt at historically low interest rates has also contributed to lower debt service payments. The State has refinanced $2 billion in debt during fiscal year 2013 generating $500 million in debt service savings.”

~ Gov. Rick Scott

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