Saturday, August 24, 2013

Quote of the Day - Allen West

“Last year after the 9/11 terror attack in Benghazi, President Obama, vociferously condemned a video of Muhammad during a speech at the U.N. Now we hear little to nothing from the president specifically condemning the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and their savage and cowardly attacks against the Coptic Christians -- including the murder of a 10-year-old girl leaving Bible study

President Obama demanded Hosni Mubarak step down, yet called and congratulated Mohammed Morsi, a former imprisoned member of the Muslim Brotherhood, on becoming Egypt's president.

The Egyptian military is not fighting against peaceful protesters, they are trying to save their country from the group founded in 1928 that is the ideological foundation of Islamic terrorism.There can be no ‘coexistence’ and reconciliation with this band of violent jihadists who seek worldwide Islamic domination under sharia law.

We are watching and wondering, on whose side does the Obama administration really stand?”

~ Allen West

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