Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Programs Bring People to Pools

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Sally Welsh said that last night--programs bring people to pools.

We learned at the Friends of the Lake Worth Pool meeting last night that there is a contract with ECAC swimming, a company that leases our pool. This was unbeknown to most of the public and never mentioned at a city hall meeting. Actually the City of Lake Worth calls it a "License Agreement."  The fee structure is as follows:
$1,500 a month until membership reaches 60
$1,800 a month until membership reaches 100
$2,200 a month thereafter

The contract is 8 pages long and the Contract gives them a non-exclusive limited license to use and occupy our pool from August 1 to October 31, 2014.

We are guessing that because this city commission voted to allow the city manager to make decisions for amounts under $25,000 a year, a decision I totally disagreed with, the thinking was that the mayor did not have to sign this contract. In the past, the mayor on previous commissions always signed contracts.  The one with ECAC was signed by Michael Bornstein. Even the city attorney's signature was signed off by a third party.

What our charter says: The mayor shall preside at meetings of the commission, shall be recognized as head of city government for all ceremonial purposes, by the governor for purposes of military law, for civil emergencies, for service of process, execution of contracts, deeds and other documents...


  1. Don't worry about it. They will get the city clerk to say the mayor does not have to sign contracts. Then there will be some legal opinion.

  2. The pool is closed, you mutts complain. The pool is opened, you mutts complain, someone besides the complaining mutts does something to encourage more pool use, you mutts complain, the city finally finds a way to help offset the costs to operate the pool, you mutts complain.
    Starting to see a pattern here?

  3. if it were all transparent perhaps we mutts wouldn't complain. It is all the mutts who pay the taxes for all you thorough bred superior dogs to make decisions unknown to us.

  4. Hey you with the attitude @ 11:18 A.M. I'll bet by M*U*T*T*S you mean:
    I knew it! Don't be too hard on yourself, you'll catch up!

  5. Thank you to all the pool friends. People keep giving their money, time and energy while our commission and mayor keep making uninformed decisions. It is time for a new dais. We deserve prepared leaders not ones who rely on lawyers and consultants who are bleeding us dry.

  6. We are not complaining about the pool being opened. The complaint is not knowing or being informed about WHAT is going on with contracts or who was given one and is occupying OUR pool.

    The Lake Worth bulldog--No mutt

  7. Renting a 2 BR Condo on Palm Beach South,Island is $2700.- a month.
    Proof of total incompetence of the Contract for lease of an Olympic size swimming pool on Palm Beach island's glamorous location(the element handling it has no idea of that level of life, at a level where we cannot meet our pool employees and upkeep, is harming the Citizen taxpayer's tax base. An idiot would be happy with substandard rental of such a great assett.Ask competent Wellington Commission how much they get per day. The incompetent Commission and City Manager never wanted the responsibility of making it a lucrative assett for the Citizens who pay them for it.
    This immoral act ,for those who know business, robs the Tax payers of rightful market value revenue. The difference must be deducted from the salaries City Hall employees, who dared to give it away at that bargain basement price level.Why was the public never shown the Contract? The losers who signed it are not the owners,did not pay for its' construction.

  8. You will have to read the contract--it is limited and for 23 hours a week. The city will still have its own lifeguards and events. This company will be leasing it from 3:30 to 7:30pm on Mon thru Fri and on Saturdays from 9am to Noon. If these times conflict with the city, this company is relegated to 5 lanes at the south end of the pool.

  9. I'm all for this lease if it means the City will support the pool and get it up to par with the rest of the Casino/Beach park property surrounding it.

    But, I agree, the City should be communicating what is going on. They opened the pool with no notice, even the last time I checked the web site there were no pool hours or information. To me, it almost seemed like the City opened the pool, didn't tell anyone and was going to turn around when no one showed up and say looks like no one wants the pool open.

  10. Annon @ 1:42pm, "Palm Beach island's glamorous location(the element handling it has no idea of that level of life"
    The glamorous Palm Beach people would not go to a lower level of life Lake Worth pool!!

  11. @3:14--I agree with you. IMO, that is EXACTLY what the city was going to do.

  12. They called it something else to get around the contract situation.
