Thursday, August 22, 2013

Obama and the Race Card

To me, it is unbelievable that we are still playing the "race card" in this country. Personally, I do not believe there is racism among 99.9% of Americans. If there is prejudice, different than racism, there are always extenuating circumstances.  We can read the statistics every day about who is committing 85% to 95% of the crimes.

But the Obama administration and our Leader himself, finds racism under every rock. Now they have gone after companies for the background checks they do before hiring. Even the City of Lake Worth does background checks. Everyone should. The city has failed at times and sign contracts without doing due diligence like the Greater Bay fiasco that ended up costing us a bundle or come up with some sole provider without going out on an RFP.

The Obama administration alleged that a company, by doing background checks, had created a “pattern or practice” of “discrimination against African-American job applicants by using poor credit history as a hiring criterion … and against African-American, Hispanic, and male job applicants by using criminal history as a hiring criterion.”

The Judge laughed the case out of court and condemned the EEOC for trying to make a mockery.  Read the case

And this government is doing the same thing in housing with HUD, filing lawsuits to force condo  association owners to sell to unqualified buyers with lousy credit or no credit at all or with no jobs.

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