Friday, August 23, 2013

Message from Allen West

Could this be the end of Israel?

While President Obama vacationed in Martha's Vineyard, Egypt descended into apocalyptic chaos and is taking the entire Middle East with it. As you read this, the violence is escalating in the Sinai Peninsula. Islamic terrorists are attacking Egyptian security forces and firing missiles at the Israeli resort city of Eilat.

Obama's desire to "pivot" America's foreign policy away from the Middle East is incredibly dangerous. If Egypt falls to radical Islam, Israel will be besieged by enemies from all sides.

Obama's completely incoherent foreign policy is putting our strongest allies in grave danger. His extreme ambivalence is simply unacceptable.

America can do better.

I'm not going to settle for second-rate leadership and you shouldn't either.

America stands by her friends – Israel most of all – and we honor that commitment by our actions and not empty Obama-style rhetoric.

What is the world left to think when the same nation that is leading the War on Terror now abandons its own diplomats to be murdered at the hands of a terrorist mob in Libya?

Obama's Jimmy Carter-style foreign policy has turned us into the laughing stock of the world. Our enemies oppose us and threaten our friends because Obama's leadership lacks true American courage.

America can do better! Let's get started today.

Steadfast and Loyal,

Allen West
Lt. Col. Allen B. West, USA (ret)
U.S. Congressman (2011-2013)

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