Monday, August 12, 2013

Message from Allen West

"These scandals – and despite what Obama spokesman Jay Carney says, they are scandals — are just the tip of the iceberg. We need to realign the priorities of leaders in Washington and elect men and women of integrity...before it's too late. And I urgently need your help!

To say President Obama's priorities are out of whack is an understatement. Get this:

The Obamas are vacationing on Martha's Vineyard this week...and their dog, Bo, met them on the island in a MV-22 Osprey hybrid aircraft.

I can only imagine how much Bo's private trip cost us, the taxpayers, but one thing is for certain. A president who spends our tax dollars so frivolously – especially amidst the economic uncertainty this nation faces – is not a president I trust to make the life and death decisions required of the Commander-in-Chief."

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