Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mess of The Week

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Sunset Drive
Anything could be living here--reports of vermin and pests--
Overgrown, neglected and abandoned.


  1. These are not your best pictures.

  2. What's wrong with them? They are showing weeds 6 feet high. The brush in the photos are not bushes.

  3. Looks like a nice natural habitat for native wildlife.

    But it would be better to develop it!

  4. There is NO infrastructure up there. Good luck. Maybe they can get the city taxpayers to pay for that.

  5. The city has refused to code these two out of town jerks ,Paul Kintz and John Lang, because there might be a (Hold your breath now)a LAW SUIT filed by the failed land speculation team!
    This property is abandoned, Lynn is NOT exaggerating about the six,seven,eight foot weeds and worse on the property. Bums have been spotted numerous times jumping the broken down chain link fences on the property.
    The next time ANYONE reading this gets ANY kind of code violation from Lake Worth, tell them to stick it up their ass. Ray Smith illegally cut down trees on the property and never got a fine or anything. This property has been allowed to exist in an abandoned state FOR YEARS!!! Rip up the violation in the Code guys face and go hire yourself a lawyer. If YOU even threaten a law suit you can do whatever the hell you want in this town and NO ONE will make you follow the rules!!!!Paul Kintz and John Lang have been spitting on this neighborhood since 2005.Come take a good,long look at the property at 826 Sunset, just off of 6th ave south.

  6. You can't see it in the pictures, but there are a couple of run down houses on the property that Ray Smith ripped off FEMA on. He took money to repair the roof of the main house after the hurricanes of 2005, but he never got the roof repaired! Bums live there now. And some cute raccoons. Too bad the city won't buy the property. Oh yeah, they are so broke. (95,000 for flooring and bleachers at the Osborne neighborhood gym. 30,000 for air conditioning maintenance,,,,,,Oh yeah, that's in Retha Lowes gimme gimme everything or we'll call you a racist neighborhood! If only we spent a fraction of what we spend on this neighborhood gym on our pool!!!
