Friday, August 9, 2013


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He has ignored the very people who helped elect him. He has totally ignored the Tea Party, a group that consists  primarily of advocates for smaller government and were known as protesters with a big voice. They are now considered a political group. They helped herald him into office. He totally ignored the 19,000 signed signatures we delivered to his office against amnesty for illegal aliens.

I had a lot of hopes for Marco.


  1. 19,000 signatures, 19.32 Million people in Florida. Those signatures are less than one tenth of one percent of the population. I wouldn't pay attention either.

  2. You sound just like the sort of person who doesn't believe a vote counts either. Are you a NO person or just a socialist?

    It's 19,000 more signatures than you got!

  3. I dont know what you mean by a "no" person. People voted Rubio into office because they felt he was the best candidate. In a few years, if people are unhappy with their senator they can choose someone else. No one agrees with "their" candidate 100% of the time.

    And quit with the ad hominum attacks. They only emphasize that you have a weak argument.

  4. Frankly, I don't know what you're talking about. What is my weak argument? That Marco betrayed the people who got him into office on his illegal alien platform?

  5. You're right Lynn. He's been a major disappointment. My thought it that he didn't ever mean it to begin with. I think he just rode the Tea Party wave into office! He's for himself. You know who should run? You. No one's sharper, more steadfast, and less liable to bullshit everybody. Thanks for telling it straight every day, Lynn. Nice to know we can count on you when everyone else is constantly LYING. So sick of it.

  6. Nobody asked me to sign. Where's the petition? It didn't get to most of us. But of course, if you look at opinion polls the will of the people is very clear -- they want the immigration laws enforced, they want the border patrolled and they want people who broke the law coming here to be sent back. No border = no country. Then we all just become part of the Latin world. Not good for rule of law, education, the drug war, gay rights, women's rights and on and on.
