Monday, August 19, 2013

lmmigrants DEMAND rights

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PBPost Photographer, Richard Graulich
At least they are flying the American flag
Signs in Spanish

The headline in the local section of the Palm Beach Post this morning said, "Marchers DEMAND reform."  They, of course are illegals and their socialist friends are demanding "rights" they don't have unless, of course, this liberal left government gives it to them--which it looks like they will.

How dare anyone "demand" anything of this country especially when they are here illegally to begin with? Even a "guest" would not demand anything. Victor Herrera of Greenacres was there and said, “Between Mexico and America it’s just a line.” No, Mr. Herrera, it is a sovereign border and you are not welcome to cross it illegally.

About 100 marchers and protesters were there who started at the Mayan Center on North 'G' Street and ended up in front of Lake Worth City Hall.


  1. Not too much of a one-sided argument printed by the very left leaning Post. (Sarcasm intended)

  2. Why am I not surprised that people who have broken our laws are "demanding" equal rights to people who do abide by our laws just as they demand freed medical, food stamps, childcare, college educations, etc. This is as ridiculous as prisoners demanding free cable, dental, medical, college, three hots and a cot, counseling, etc.
