Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Help coming to Lake Worth

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Maybe at some point down the road we won't have to be writing about the Mess of the Week when it comes to a property in Lake Worth.



  1. After the clean-up contractor has completed the work, how many years before he gets paid?

  2. I would think that he should get paid immediately as the city will put the cost on the owner's tax bill.

  3. This is all a huge joke. The city has been a dump like this for 20+ years, they almost never fix anything, I agree with these folks from tv, I am not convinced they will ever make much of a difference, we just do not see results and haven't for years, and these current elected officials have more excuses why they cannot get this city cleaned up, they are the worst crew of people in office ever, they cannot do or get anything right. What a dump, so much blight and deplorable conditions, so much crime, Andy, Pam, Scott, why aren't you doing more about this?

  4. 12 years and counting for me --what a joke --we need educated people running our city--not ones that need attention and pocket money made in the cultural plaza--right andy what account are you using to deposit the money

  5. What educated people? Mulvehil has an MBA she's educated. But she's also foreclosed. You want her making important decisions your city? Mcoy has a phd and he's by far the most ignorant elected official I've seen in 15 years. Drautz was a kindergarten teacher so he must have been educated. Also foreclosed. The 90 day mayor is also supposed to be educated. 3 foreclosures.
    Did you say something about educated people?

  6. "the city has been a dump like this for 20 years". Yes it has. So how can you blame 4 individuals that have collectively been in office less than 2 years? At least now they are trying something. That's good news.
    The really good news is that they won't have "the progressives" ghetto goldie and Jennings to block them this time around.

  7. A few hours ago someone attempted to post on here against a former member of our HRPB. I am not going to accept personal attacks of this nature.
