Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Elections are decided by those who show up at the polls

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When you are talking about the results of the charter amendment vote, it was 55.86% of the voters (because we like to be accurate) not 52% or 53%.

There has been a commenter on this blog who continues to insist and believe that--

55.86% of the 2,311 “people who went out to vote in March 2013 DOES NOT REPRESENT WHAT THE MAJORITY OF THE RESIDENTS OF THIS CITY WANTS.”

I guess the poster also must believe (unless the poster is a hypocrite), that--

0% of the people who went out to vote in November 2012 for SZERDI “does not represent what the majority of the residents of this city wants.”

52.66% of the people who went out to vote in November 2011 for TRIOLO “does not represent what the majority of the residents of this city wants.”

59.67% of the people who went out to vote in November 2011 for AMOROSO “does not represent what the majority of the residents of this city wants.”

0% of the people who went out to vote in November 2011 for MAXWELL “does not represent what the majority of the residents of this city wants.”

And as you can see from the spreadsheet created from the certified election results posted on the PBCSOE website, under our American form of Democracy, Christopher McVoy represents more residents than the other four combined.

The ballot results validate the desire of the public as expressed during the $1M+ Master Plan process when the majority of those expressing an opinion regarding heights wanted four (4) stories or less vs. those expressing an opinion regarding height who wanted six (6) stories or more. Or perhaps the poster doesn’t believe in Democracy. Because here in America, elections are decided NOT by the number of people affected by the vote, NOT by the number of people eligible to vote, NOT by the number of people registered to vote, but by the number of people who VOTE.

 Vote for 1

55.86% 1,291
44.14% 1,020


A little more trivia:  Obama  nationally won 65.9 million votes -- or 51.1 percent of the vote. There are 207,643,594 eligible voters in the U.S. The census bureau estimates, as of July, that the US total population is  303,824,640. So, does 51.1%  not represent what the majority of the country wanted?”


  1. These stats make way tooooooooo much sense for the radicals on the dais and their friends.

  2. Since you are so in the know politically can you explain how your PAC got 1,700 signatures but only 1,200 votes? What happened from the time you went around with your the sky is falling routine to when it came time to vote?
    Besides you are so obtuse your vote shouldn't count anyway. Ever

  3. I decided to post the above although it is a personal attack from the guy who loves to call me "obtuse," the ONLY big word he has learned in 5th grade.

    If you want a reason, anonymous, ask this commission who did not allow the vote to be held in November. March is ALWAYS low turnout--always has been and always will be.

    So, next stupid question?

  4. Pam Triolo, Scott Maxwell ,Andy Amoroso and John Szerdi are committing political suicide.These people are going to be kicked out of office the next time they run for re-election. Don't they think that THE MAJORITY of people who VOTED against 65 foot heights are going to be a little miffed by the ILLEGAL ACTIONS being done by this ANARCHIST COMMISSION? These people are SAVY VOTERS that Pam Triolo spent 20,000 dollars to get out to VOTE!They VOTED. And Pam and the rest said "SCREW YOU !"Hey Pam, Scott , Andy, and Szerdi, guess who's GOING TO GET SCREWED in the next election- YOU!!!!!!

  5. Good morning, can you explain to me why you subject yourself to the daily abuse you are exposed too? Living in LW is unlike any experience I've ever seen or hope to again. It is such a mess, expensive, crime infested hellhole what motivates normal individuals to live in LW. It wouldn't be so bad, but there is NO end in sight. You have more stamina than me. Good luck!!!!!!!!

  6. I do not think the three running for re-election are counting on the vote of the yes voters. I think they can win without those couple thousand votes, especially if radicals of the same beliefs as Mahoney and Decker run.

  7. Explain how Mahoney and Decker are radical? Because they believe in the right to vote and that the vote should count?

  8. I would say that the percentage of YES voters represents the populous in general just as most polls do. 3% either way, YES still wins. Obviously, you are correct anonymous at 1:03--we can tell by their arrogance that they don't give a hot damn. As previously stated, it is not the YES voters who are the radicals.
