Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bradley Manning

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"You Failed to Break the Spirit of Bradley Manning,"
says Norman Solomon, in an Op-Ed piece
 against our government.

An Open Letter to President Obama:  "As commander in chief, you’ve been responsible for the treatment of the most high-profile whistleblower in the history of the U.S. armed forces. Under your command, the United States military tried—and failed—to crush the spirit of Bradley Manning. From the outset, your administration set out to destroy Bradley Manning. But you failed to break the spirit of Bradley Manning. And that spirit will continue to inspire."

Read more... at Nation of Change.


  1. Bradley looks better as a SHE than he does as a HE. Look, he took an oath as part of our military ,and he broke that oath. A LOT ! He was not a private citizen. The problem with todays society is that there are no consequences. Everybody has an excuse. I don't think that he got what he deserved. He got off very lightly.

  2. And now the very government he betrayed is going to pay for the sex change operation with your dollars! What a world!
