Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Al Jazeera America launches today

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The media can manipulate us more than we realize. And when you consider who is pulling the strings in the media, the thought of Al Jazeera can be a little unsettling especially when you know that Al Jazeera America launches today.  For Islamists, the primary threat of the West is cultural rather than political or economic. Just can't wait to see how this will all play out--news or propaganda? Al Jazeera received over 22,000 applications for employment--a lot of unemployed reporters in this country.

Every day you read about we Americans bending over backwards for "their" civil rights and  being oh so cautious as not to offend. An estimated 8 million Muslims live in America and they are growing. Even the Terrorist Hezbollah is in our country and Muslims are taking over city councils in predominately dominated Muslim populated communities.  Read here... about Michigan, the Islamic capital of the U.S. The American Thinker says, "Never is it mentioned  jihadist acts, honor killings, demands for special accommodations, and the Muslim disinclination to assimilate to American cultural norms."

Al Jzeera America will only have 6 minutes of commercial time per hour.  Why?   Because companies at the moment don't want to advertise with them. Why?   Because they are perceived to be anti-American.  Many reporters, even some affiliated with Al Jeezera at one time, say that anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism are woven into the fabric of al-Jazeera's Arabic reporting. Why should reporting by them in this country be any different?

Al Jazeera's Shia Beirut correspondent Ali Hashem resigned from Al Jazeera after leaked e-mails shows his discontent over the outlet's "unprofessional" and biased coverage of the Syrian civil war in light of the Bahraini uprising, which was not given the prominence of the Syrian conflict on the network, one side of the conflict which was partly funded by the state of Qatar, who also fund Al Jazeera.Go to Wikipedia for controversies and criticisms of Al Jazeera.

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When I say that women in this country will all be wearing a burka in 50 years, don't think that I am joking. It may not be as far-fetched as it sounds.

1 comment:

  1. Only in America can a media such as this prosper under our constitution. I hope no one supports them.
