Monday, August 5, 2013

Abuse of Power by the Lake Worth City Commission

Comment Up

Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.
~Oscar Wilde

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.
~ Alice Walker

The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting.
~ Charles Bukowski


  1. I voted against the height restrictions. They're not flushing my vote.

  2. Well I guess not, anonymous--You LOST.

  3. The reason why these people are so hated. they just don't understand that when you win an election, you freaking win it. Even if you voted against the limitations on the heights, your vote was still flushed down the toilet by these 4. I can see it now if the Jennings commission had done something like this. Bombs would be exploding. But her commission respected the people unlike this one.

  4. Lets get something straight. No commissioner can on their own nullify an election. That was done by your state legislature. If the court rules in favor of the city on this one all the ranting that the commission has taken away the vote is wrong. That anger should be directed at the state. Anyone can file a mandamus action in court. Winning that action is not easy. So before you accuse anyone of acting illegally lets see what the court says.

  5. They just did that very thing you said they couldn't do.
    We believe they are using a law, signed 3 months after the election was won, to nullify the vote. We say they are wrong in their interpretation.
    It was NOT done by the State Legislature. It was done by Maxwell, Triolo, Amaroso and Szerdi. That is the excuse they are using to do what they have done. Now, if they really wanted to set it right by the voters, they would change the LDR's to 45 feet to reflect the vote.
    Winning any action is not easy but sometimes RIGHT is on your side.

  6. If you believe the commission is wrong in their "interpretation" of the new law you are saying that the City Attorney is wrong and that his firms legal advice is wrong and that all the other lawyers he consulted are wrong. Your lawyer is the only lawyer that is right. Why should I believe your lawyer is right? We are having this dialog because our state legislature screwed your right to hold an election every time you disagree with the commission. I feel that you are playing politics on this issue and I will wait to see what side the court comes down on this one.

  7. The ONLY people on a power grab is this commission. Right or wrong interpretation in HB 537, the commission should honor the vote--45 feet. Thanks for your opinion.

    the State Legislature did not SCREW OUR RIGHT TO HAVE AN ELECTION. The city has blown that legislation out of proportion, using it as an excuse, held up the results, did not move them forward and waited until Rick Scott signed it 3 months AFTER the election.

    Now really. You can't do that.

  8. "I voted against the height restrictions. They're not flushing my vote."
    Hitler came to power because of that kind of stupid mindset. When they come after YOUR vote, and their is nobody left that gives a shit in this crappy little dictatorship, what will YOU do?
    An ELECTED official that is told that a vote of their citizens is null and void because of something signed by a Governor three months AFTER THE FACT SHOULD be screaming their heads off in opposition to that Governors actions!!!
    Triolo ,Maxwell, Amaroso,and Szerdi flushed not only our vote, but our Constitutional rights as American citizens. Next election it will be time to flush them.

  9. The fact that the election was held in March and this matter is dragging on today doesn't matter if you read the state bill that impacts this issue. Even if the vote would have taken place in November. HB 537 has a clause that says that votes that might have taken place from 2011 until the bill becomes law, (signed by the governor) are set aside. I know this is an opinion blog and it's your opinion Lynn that the city's attorney is wrong, if the state law holds up as their attorney opinion believes the vote would've still been set aside. Even if the vote would have been taken in November.

  10. Lynn, I am confused. The commission cannot violate State law. Once the City Attorney gives them a legal opinion they cannot ignore it. To do so would put them in violation of the law. Laurel can now make her claim and if the court agrees with her interpretation the commission will have to abide by the law. Either way the commission has no other way to go but to follow the law. How is the commission doing something wrong?

  11. Thank you anonymous at 9:02.

    If you belief the premise that HB 537 affects this Charter amendment even though it specifically says referendums on land development orders, comp Plans and comp Plan map changes and this WAS a CHARTER amendment, then you are right.
    If, however, it is determined that HB 537 does not affect this election on a charter amendment but only those 3 issues as stated in the law of HB 537, then you are wrong.

    Still, this is all political at this point. The commission could vote RIGHT NOW TONIGHT, to have 45 feet in that area and even in the downtown...period.

  12. John, all I can tell you is to read the Writ of Mandamus. Thanks.
