Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Sunday Thought

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There are many passages in the Bible that encourage us to welcome the stranger (Deuteronomy 10: 19, or Hebrews 13:1, among others).  None of these passages encourage us to welcome an invading army of poor people intent on bankrupting our health care system, debasing our schools, stealing our legal identities and our territory, diminishing our sovereignty, refusing to speak our language, using their children as human shields to stay in the United States, and destroying our neighborhoods

 Read more... at the American Thinker.


  1. Great example of this at Bryant Park this weekend. Huge group of Spanish-speaking apparent immigrants having a big birthday party. When they left around 8 there was trash spread all over the playground. Styrofoam plates of rice and beans left on the playground equipment and Caprisun packages tossed everywhere, napkins, plates of cake, soda cans. What an insult to those of us who live here and love this park!! But I guess given that we're not enforcing our immigration laws, we've shown them we have no respect for ourselves. And how can you respect people who don't respect themselves? Yeah, Jesus said to comfort the poor and afflicted. But I'd bet Jesus would have something to say to the illegals: Do not covet! Apologize to the U.S., give back what you have earned while here illegally, and return to your own land where I always provided you food to eat and water to drink. Not caprisuns, no! But everything you need to live.

  2. I believe that the writer was reporting on Spanish speaking immigrants that he witnessed at our park trashing it. You want to take offense at that? Take offense at their actions and deeds. He wasn't reporting on Americans trashing our park.

  3. I also saw a large group of English speaking apparent Americans at the picnic area at OUR beach on Saturday. They left the same mess as described by the 11:55Pm poster.
    What an insult to those of us who live here and love OUR beach! What do we do with disgusting people like this?

  4. I just bet you did.
    The next time you see anyone littering our parks, tell them to pick up their chit and deposit it in a trash can. :) You would be helping our city immensely.

  5. I'm at Bryant Park every weekend. It is not sometimes whites and sometimes Hispanics trashing the place. It is always, always, always large groups of Spanish-speaking people. Not 85 percent of the time. Always. You should not be afraid of truth because it does not match what you've been told to believe. You should wonder why what you've been told to believe is at odds with what is true.
