Friday, July 19, 2013

Trayvon could have been me!

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That's a scary thought.

Read more... at the Washington Post.
Read the President's speech


  1. Obama, our first white black president, had no business interjecting his OPINION into this LOCAL case. Perhaps if one or more of the Americans murdered in Benghazi had been BLACK, Obama could have worked up enough interest to find out who murdered our Ambassador.
    Perhaps Obama dreams of a society ruled not by LAWS, but by HIS THUMBS UP/DOWN like the Emperors of Rome. Obama certainly acts more like an emperor than the President of the United States who is SWORN TO UPHOLD OUR LAWS, not his own prejudices !!!

  2. A poster from the article.

    Mr President and all the other Black racist, you need to read this and reflect on your actions, or inaction.
    Remember Antonio West?
    My name was Antonio West. I was the 13-month old child who was shot in the face at point blank range by two black teens, who were attempting to rob my mother, who was also shot. I think my murder and my mommy’s wounding made the news for maybe a day, and then disappeared. A Grand Jury of my mommy's peers from Brunswick, Georgia ruled the black teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty... too bad it was me who got the death sentence from my killers instead, because Mommy didn’t have the money they demanded. See, my family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder wasn't ruled a ‘hate crime’.
    Oh, and President Obama didn't take a single moment to acknowledge my murder. He couldn't have any children who could possibly look like me - so why should he care? I’m one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation's history, but the media didn't care to cover the story of my being killed in cold blood.
    There isn’t a white equivalent of Al Sharpton, because if there was he would be branded a ‘racist’. So no one’s rushing to Brunswick, Georgia to demonstrate and demand ‘justice’ for me. There’s no ‘White Panther’ party, either, to put a bounty on the lives of the two black teens who murdered me. I have no voice, I have no representation, and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat innocently in my stroller - I no longer have my life. Isn't this a great country?
    So while you’re out seeking ‘justice for Trayvon’, please remember to seek ‘justice’ for me. Tell your friends about me, tell you families, get tee-shirts with my face on them, and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Trayvon. I won’t hold my breath. I don’t have to anymore.

  3. Yep, Mr. President. It could have been you! I was going to my room late at night at that Holiday Inn in Columbia, SC, and I was approached by 2 well-dressed Afro-American males. They were wearing button front shirts, dress pants, and tennis shoes, they could have been you and a friend, Mr. President. When they got near me one held a gun to the right side of my throat and ripped my 4 necklaces off my neck – was that you and a friend Mr. President? The other man took my purse, or was that you, Mr. President? They took off and wanted me to come with them. I went screaming in the other direction. No, it was not you, Mr. President. One male was arrested that evening, and I was fortunate to receive all my stolen items returned. The other man was arrested several months later after he allegedly murdered someone. So, I do check my door locks on my car when I see an Afro-American male near my car even though I have automatic locking doors. Yes, I have some panic on an elevator when I am on one alone with an Afro-American male – do you blame me? I do look over my shoulder. I have my Florida CWP and carry a loaded gun in my car and another in my house. Stand my ground, you betcha!
