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This commission has a mission and a vision; it wants development and it wants revenue from it. It doesn't matter if citizens want a low-rise downtown--they want development and they want it any way they can get it. They keep telling everyone who will listen that Lake Worth hasn't developed anything in years but they fail to tell you that we are built up--there are only a few parcels left for development without tearing something else down.
Remember Scott Maxwell ran on a couple of platforms--one was eradicating slum and blight and the other was developing the Park of Commerce. Slum and blight is now worse throughout our city and the Park of Commerce is an exorbitantly expensive fantasy that will be using someone's else's money--yours. This commission is all for making the "industrial' park a reality. It will be their legacy. Their children will be able to look back and claim that it was Mommy and Daddy who got Lake Worth in a forward motion.
The Park of Commerce is far enough west that developers actually might be attracted to our city...any area closer to town would be another story... would any developer want to build in a city consumed by slum, blight and crime?
But we haven't solved the code enforcement issues that plague our city. We keep talking about them but nothing changes. No one on the dais has done anything about it. They keep saying to themselves, "Thank God I don't live around that neighborhood....poor schumcks." Let's put in an obnoxious speed bump to keep "them" happy and allow them to have a semi-private road and allow a gigantic garage to be built in a residential neighborhood.
What the Commissioners ARE doing, however, is planning on obligating us to tremendous debt in order to finance roads and the Park of Commerce to attract development with the 216 affordable rentals being the first step. It's all okay, they say--it's in that other part of town and besides the fantasy Park of Commerce is now on its way. They choose to forget that this area was for commercial development. This is all just another decision that goes on their resume for re-election. "We are the ones who finally got something done," they will tell us.
As this commission has always ridiculed the hiring of consultants or paying for studies, etc., tonight on the Consent Agenda, the city will be contracting with Public Financial Management of Orlando to advise us on our financial needs pertaining to debt structuring for the roads and utility master plan of an estimated $63 million, the Park of Commerce program that was already stated at a commission meeting of being approximately $11 million for infrastructure and also to refinance existing debt which is humongous. They will advise whether to go out on a General Obligation Bond or a bank loan to finance all of these multi-millions. I am all for a financial adviser when you're talking about big bucks; that is smart business.We better be well advised before we obligate our taxpayers. Folks, we only get around $28 million in revenue to operate our city every year and public safety takes $20 million of that. How safe do you feel for $20 million?
Apparently the City doesn't even have to go out for bid...the city manager can just pick a company and they cite Section 2-112(c)(6) of the City's code (can't find it) that gives them the authority. Also, they don't want the public to speak to this as they put it on the Consent Agenda--a contract of huge importance that taxpayers will fund but have absolutely no say. This is a five year contract involving some of the following costs:
Hourly rates:
Managing Director=$195 an hour
Sr. Managing consultant=$185
Sr analyst/analyst=$175
Fee Proposal per value range of bonds:
Up to $50,000=$0.85 per thousand
Next $25,000=$0.65 per 1,000
Next $25,000=$0.55 "
Additional amts over $100,000=$0.45 per 1,000
All expenses are reimbursed: travel, meals, lodging, telephone, mail, printing, graphics, you name it. There is a flat fee retainer of $15,000 per year and any additional services will require a separate agreement. The city, as well a Public Financial Management, will have a project manager unlike some of our past mistakes when NO ONE was in charge. Well, we did have Corey O'Gorman at the pool and Laurah Hanna as assistant city manager.
I'm confused with the logic of this post. You point out what the commission is doing to encourage growth to build the tax base but claim that's the wrong way to go. You want the commission to focus on code enforcement and improving our neighborhoods. I agree that is our biggest problem in the city but I also see that we can't survive as a city without the basics. If our roads, water system, and sewer systems are falling apart because no former commissions spent a dime to upgrade them what do you suggest we do? As you point out, we only have 28 million to run the city. Why don't we have 40 million? The answer is simple. No one will invest here. They go to other cities where they see a stable environment to grow. I wish that we could all agree to face this reality and come up with alternative solutions if you disagree with the commission. Instead here in lake Worth we attack each other personally, year after year and as a result we have little to show for it. I believe our neighborhoods will improve when folks believe that it is safe to live here and the house next door to them will not be rented to 15 men here illegally, or a slum landlord running a whore house, or worse. That will take money we currently have no way of obtaining.
ReplyDeleteYou're confused? No kidding!
ReplyDeleteThis was not a personal attack.
I agree with the last part of your assessment as to what has to happen here. In this case, the commission is putting the cart before the horse.
And yes, a very good question--why don't we have $40 million? Aside from the MISSING MILLIONS, we have the bulk of our taxes being paid by residential properties that are essentially smaller housing stock and rented out to the poor. We attract poor. We love to do that.
Developers have learned how to play the game getting federal money to build workforce/affordable housing. That is all we will get for awhile.
We need road improvement, etc. We just are looking to obligate our poor here to pay for a lifetime of sweeping stuff under the rug when the obvious BASIC is to get rid of the slum, the blight and the crime first.
This is all being done for developers to make money with the citizens here paying the tab. Get it John?
ReplyDeleteI think this all goes back to the attitude that "they" know best and the rest of us don't have a need to know or even make a comment on what affects us. It's the usual/standard game being played now and the commission is allowing it to happen. All for a financial adviser...just curious as to what sort of bill they will be sticking to us for this "vision." Perhaps one day we will find out...reminds me of the federal govt.
ReplyDeleteThe developers using other peoples money is really them using OUR money. In regards to the person who does not understand your blog on development in Lake Worth at the up front expense of Lake Worth Taxpayers,this city cannot take on more costs or go further in debt. When we put in infrastructure over 100 years ago, there was no thought of any more need for citizens other then serving home lots from 25 to 75 feet. More people jammed into a older developed area requires new water mains, larger sewer mains, enlarged power delivery, improved storm sewers, more police and fire services, more public employees, etc.
ReplyDeleteThe taxes to pay for these new improvements for the developer will not be covered for many years, so the local people will pay for the up front costs. Not the Developer.
We need impact fees to cover these up front expenses. The impact fees paid for by the developer, not the tax payers who are living here now would be the fair way.
Why don't we have impact fees to cover these costs? If packing people into our city is so great then why are cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and others the highest taxed cities in the country?
No wonder our taxes are so high
AMAZON coming to Florida, being courted by Palm Bech County, How about our park of commerce. Go get'em team!
ReplyDeleteMr John Rinaldi, do you even know what a personal attack is? Let's put it this way:
ReplyDelete1. Rinaldi is the biggest idiot the P&Z has ever had as Chair.
2. Rinaldi has from time to time displayed some shortcomings as Chair of the P&Z.
See the difference? At least that's how see it.
Lynn, without any development coming into the City, How do you think we will get anything done? You and your wanna be Groupies, (ie Katie, Helen, Cara etc. etc. etc.) want to Keep the City a Quaint Low Rise City. But with No Progress, the only way to keep afloat is either raise Taxes, which we are almost to our Cap, Or GOD Forbid go out for a Bond, or do an Assessment. Now We in the city all Know how you feel about Taxes, and I can already feel a Petition coming on If we even think about a Bond Or Assessment. So clue us all in as how to get this City Moving Forward.
Tired of you Tirade.....
You're tired? Go to bed. Tell your friends to clean up this city. Do you really believe that you need development to be a healthy city? What you need is to clean up the mess, get rid of the illegals and let property values rise. That would be a start. I came from a city in NJ that still looks the same to this day. Most people can't afford to live there.
ReplyDeleteNow as far as what I think about taxes--what is that exactly? We already have a high rate in LW.
If you people want to bankrupt the city, who am I to stop you? A bond or loan is the only way we will be able to do it. Other people's money so what in hell do you care, right? If development wants to come in here, have them pay the impact fees.
Mr. Rinaldi wrote an on point answer to Lynns post. I do not agree with her conclusions but they are plausible.Commentors like 2:43 should be blocked. They do not contribute anything but most likely contribute to our sad condition.
ReplyDelete4:17 sounds like Ms. Charming on s. Palmway. What would the world do without her sweet disposition?
ReplyDeleteanonymous @4:17 had personal attacks. The anonymous poster at 2:43 did not.
ReplyDeleteYes Lynn, I did have personal attacks, and what you think about Taxes is you live in a Waterfront property, across from one of the Biggest Parks in P.B.C. and you should not have to pay YOUR FAIR SHARE. "I pay what they tell me too." I live on North F Street, and pay at least 5 times what you do if not more. I pay Taxes to the City, How much does your Less than $400.00 measly $$$ goes to Lake Worth? You want the Pool, Shuffle board court's, and anything else you think You Deserve, and do not care how it is paid for.... I say Bull dose the pool and put in the much NEEDED Parking Lot you and your COHORTS are always bitching about, that will save some money, and maybe, just maybe you can keep your LOW TAXES
ReplyDeleteI did not say that Lynn's post was a personal attack. What I was trying to say is that we have been dealing with the same problems of crime and blight and code enforcement for years with little improvement with many of our problems. We all want the city to succeed but we differ in how we should do that. I keep seeing all these personal attacks that folks inflict on good people in this city and I really believe it is counter productive to solving our problems. So if you believe we should not borrow money to fix our roads and infrastructure than state what we should do and where we will get the money to do it. If your against an apartment complex tell us what should be built on that land and how we should go about getting an investor to build it. I really think that some folks in this city get there political power by dividing people. Solutions don't happen that way and perhaps there are some that are very happy to keep things just the way they are. Oh and by the way, the P & Z Board is made up of some great folks who really care about the city.
ReplyDelete@5:58--I do pay what I am told to pay. Next, the value of my property obviously is much less than yours. Should I pay what you pay? I don't think so. So stop your personal attacks...they really make you look silly and much like a bully. as far as wanting something because I think I "dese4rve" it, that is so much bull. This is not ab out me--never was and never will be.
ReplyDeletebut whoever you are, I am sure that you would not be my best bud. :)
9:35 "Should I pay what you pay?" Do you realize that assessments to balance the budget will be charged equally per dwelling. Yes you will pay what I pay.
ReplyDeleteLOL--I guess you just like to argue. I am talking about ad valorem. You knew that. Take a hike. Right now I have 2 assessments on my tax bill and I pay what everyone else does. Nothing new here. Get a grasp.