Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tom McGow

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Everyone in our city who has read the local blogs remembers Tom McGow. He moved from Lake Worth several years ago. He was a blogger writing Tom's Page and the greatest at Photoshop. His special friend, Donna Ross, a former member of our CRA, just wrote to say that Tom needs our help. He suffered a major brain aneurysm and has been in the hospital--intensive care for several weeks and just recently he was moved to a regular room. He is working with therapists and using a walker and trying to feed himself. Donna told me that he still, in spite of all that he has gone through, has maintained his sense of humor for which he was so well known.

You can imagine the hospital costs alone when you do not have health insurance.

His daughter has set up a web site where all his friends can contribute to help in his recovery.

Please go to YouCaring and click on the donate button to the right.

1 comment:

  1. That's terrible news. Here's to a speedy recovery.
