Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer Gallery Series - Shanon Materio

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You have to be so careful when you are in the public eye and have been elected to public office.  No matter what, people and the media will be scrutinizing every little thing you do, and will look for corruption around every corner--if they don't find it around every corner, they will be looking under every nook and cranny.

The FireAnt (anonymous writer/blogger) stings again--


  1. Why do people want to get elected? For the benefits baby,for the benefits! Shannon knows how to milk the system. She did it while on the CRA getting money for her business through them. Remember how she constantly cried and whined about how much her business had to pay in taxes?Remember how she and Brenden Lynch both had a cow when they were not re-appointed to the CRA? Shannon was nearly in tears as she begged then Mayor Jeff Clemens to do something for her. Being on the then CRA was a profitable gig!Always remember, Shannon is a mob daughter.Power,power,power,,,,,

  2. That was actually a pretty lame attempt to claim corruption or favoritism. Not very stinging or newsworthy if you ask a rational minded person who doesn't think every elected official on earth is corrupt. I don't think the fire stung anybody on this one, it just got squashed like the insignificant bug that it is.

  3. I think the Fireant would be much more effective if he wrote under his own name. There is NO credibility in anonymous postings, for then, you have to be accountable. It's easy to take pot shots when you are not transparent.

  4. Fire ant Ellman is a very creepy guy. Besides your dislike for Shanon and that Ellman is such a bce supporter, why did you post such an insignificant story. Oh I just got it.

  5. So glad YOU GOT IT, ANONYMOUS. Just got finished saying NO CREDIBILITY with anonymous posts and what do you do? typical and then you call someone a creep to boot.

    Obviously NewTimes did not feel it was insignificant nor did you since you commented on it, ANONYMOUSLY, of course.

  6. The Ant's article suggests corruption and it sure seems like some sort of conflict going on.
